Research Documents

Human and Animal Subjects Research Committee

If you are preparing a research project that involves human or non-human animal subjects you will likely need to submit a proposal to the Human and Animal Subjects Research Committee. The group functions as the IRB of the college and committee approval is required before data collection can begin. The required forms and a guide to submitting a proposal are below. Contact the current committee chair, Dr. Jacob Negley, for further queries.


How to Guide for Research Proposals

Required Forms

1) Submission Form - Choose the Appropriate Type

2) Participant Information Form 

3) Consent Form(s) - You may utilize your own form that fulfills the criteria OR choose the appropriate type(s) below as a starting point. Note that a separate form is needed for minors.

4) Debriefing Statement - You may utilize your own form that fulfills the criteria OR choose the appropriate type(s) below as a starting point. Note that a separate form is needed for minors. In the case of adults the statement may be read to the subjects or given out as a hard copy. In the case of minors it should be given to a parent or legal guardian. 

5) Questions and Surveys - Include a copy of the questions or surveys you plan on using. 

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