The Plott Project in the
Global History of Philosophy
The Central Project
- What interest or excitment attends the Plott Project?
- Who is John C. Plott?
- What is the orientation of the printed Project?
What is distinctive about the individual volumes of
Global History of Philosophy?
- Volume I
- Volume II: main body of the text
- Volume II: appendix on periodization
- Volume III
- Transition in authorship; Gray's shift ("he" to "I")
- Coordinator Gray's insider's view of the Plott Project
- The evolving plan for the Project after Volume III
- Volume IV
- Volume V
- An interview with Plott on cyclical reform: commoners,
snobs, and gurus
- How may we assess the Project?
- Unfinished business or unfinished symphony? (or, What
next for the Project?)
- More on Plott the man
- A Student's Reflections on Professor Plott
- Download this full document
Diffusionism as an Aspect of the Plott Project
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