[9] Coordinator Gray's insider's view of the Plott Project
Before I proceed with the more objective side of my
task, which is the description of the project in all its
completeness and incompleteness, I will reveal briefly my
insider's bias toward the project and its major objectives.
I have become convinced that if we ever have a global
civilization in which the cities, races, city states, and
particular civilizations have at least and at last learned
to be civil to each other, the work of historians such as
John C. Plott will deserve some of the credit. Mere
ideologies tend to reinforce prejudices and rationalize
violence; philosophies at their best, especially in the
global context which Plott and our other colleagues outline,
teach people to listen to each other and so far as possible
to reason out their differences. Near the end of the linear
version of this homepage (section 14 in the Contents) I shall
return to a kind of insider/outsider evaluation of the project
and its future, if any. In the next sections, I need to fill out
some details about the project as planned, what has been
accomplished, and what if anything remains to be done.
Go back to Section 8
Go forward to Section 10: