[8] Transition in authorship from Volume III to Volume IV
During the production of the first three volumes
summarized above, Wallace Gray was, so to speak, in the
cheering section for the project. Since he was not yet a
contributor, he was free to publish his largely favorable
reviews in various scholarly journals, including Philosophy
East and West. With Volume IV his status changed because he
became a more active participant and contributor. Although
only three of his chapters appeared among the total of fifty-
nine, the "Acknowledgments" stated that he really deserved a
place on the title page, and indeed Volume V did carry his
name in that position. Nine of the thirty-three chapters of
that volume originated with Gray, though Plott and Dolin
thoroughly globalized and integrated his contributions. Gray
states, "The role of contributor but not primary author has
given me a peculiar inside-outside view of the Plott Project.
Consequently, where "he" has occurred in this homepage
narrative heretofore, "I" will reflect Gray's change of
status relative to the Plott Project. . . .
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