† New Leadership Donor
‡ Leadership Donor for the last five or more consecutive years
€ GOLD Club Member. GOLD Club members are Graduates of the
Last Decade who have reached Leadership Giving status.
President's Cabinet
Gifts of $5,000 or more
Mr. Warren and Mrs. Colleen Andreas
‡Dr. Jack and Mrs. Dorothy Banks
‡Dr. Calvin and Mrs. Phyllis Bigler
‡Dr. Etcyl and Mrs. Ruth Blair
Mrs. Pansie Boyer
†Rev. Fran Broadhurst
Mrs. Dulcie Caywood
†Mrs. Mary Marvel Chase
Mr. Bill and Mrs. Virginia Colvin
Mrs. Betty Daniels
‡Mr. Harold Deets
‡Mr. Jim and Mrs. Hazel Dole
‡Mr. David and Mrs. Jo Pat Dolsen
‡Dr. Larry and Mrs. Lequita Eason
‡Mr. Dick and Mrs. Janice Edmondson
Mr. Dorsey and Mrs. Marjorie Elliott
Dr. Jim and Mrs. Bette Farney
‡Mr. Jack Focht and Ms. Gloria Flentje
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Jackie Foster
‡Mrs. Margaret Gilger
Dr. Wallace and Mrs. Ina Gray
‡Mr. Charles and Mrs. Anne Grigsby
Mrs. Gleva Hanson
Mr. Garland and Mrs. Freida Hattan
Mr. J.W. and Mrs. Annabelle Haupt
‡Mr. Harold and Mrs. Melba Hauser
Dr. Keith and Mrs. Elizabeth Hege
‡Mr. Paul and Mrs. Dorothy Hellman
‡Dr. Roy and Mrs. Miriam House
Dr. Lonnie and Mrs. Nancy Howerton
†Mr. Rich Jantz
Mr. Lauren Kilmer
‡Mr. David King
Mrs. Fern Kinton
‡Dr. Willard Kiser
Dr. Harold Kolling
‡Mr. Charles and Mrs. Verda Kopke
†Dr. Leonard and Mrs. Janet Laws
‡Dr. Dick and Mrs. Maxine Leftwich
‡Mr. Mike and Mrs. Marjorie Lewis
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Lin Lewis
‡Dr. Allan and Mrs. Barbara Lundeen
Mr. Ed and Mrs. Donna Lydick
‡Dr. Carl and Mrs. Mary Lou Martin
‡Mrs. Lela Martin
‡Mr. Leon Mattocks
‡ Dr. George and Dr. Marilyn McNeish
‡Dr. W. Richard Merriman, Jr. and Ms. Margot Kelman
Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Dorothy Murray
†Mrs. Jo Ann Newman
‡Mr. John and Mrs. Kelly Nichols
Mrs. Lydia Northway
Mr. Marvin and Mrs. Barbara Odgers
‡Dr. David and Mrs. Karen Parsons
†Dr. Neila Poshek
†Mr. Clay Ratcliff
Rev. Jim and Mrs. Sherry Reed
Mrs. Aurel Rexroat
‡Mr. Tom and Mrs. Kay Schnittker
Mrs. Marcia Seevers
‡Mr. Bill and Mrs. Karen Seyb
Mr. Hugh and Mrs. Aletha Silcox
Mr. John and Mrs. Sue Smith
‡Dr. David and Mrs. Linda Smith
Mr. Tom Smith
Mr. John and Mrs. Dorothy Swartz
‡Rev. Tom and Mrs. Mari Wallrabenstein
†Mrs. Owena Weide
‡Mr. Roger Whitcomb
‡Dr. Byron and Mrs. Gail White
‡Bishop Dick and Mrs. Julia Wilke
President's Circle
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
†Mr. Angelo and Mrs. Mary Jane Battaglia
Dr. Peggi Bell
‡Mr. Don and Mrs. Doris Birchenough
Mrs. Dorothy Blackburn
‡Bishop Bruce and Mrs. Karen Blake
Dr. Jim and Mrs. Phyllis Boucher
Dr. Frank and Mrs. Kathy Brazle
‡Dr. Bill and Dr. Grace Brooks
Dr. Sidney Brown
Miss Anna Buckley
‡Mr. Mike Burton and Ms. Kelly Rundell
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Charlotte Buterbaugh
‡Mrs. Mildred Erhart
Dr. JC and Mrs. Virginia Fikes
Dr. Jim and Mrs. Meg Fishback
Dr. Neil and Mrs. Velma Frank
†Mr. Gary and Mrs. Connie Gamm
‡Dr. Benn Gibson
Mr. Vernon and Mrs. Cindy Goertz
†Rev. Jean Grabher
Mr. Jesse Gulick
‡Dr. Dean and Mrs. Avis Hilfinger
Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Rose Hinde
‡Mr. Lynne and Mrs. Sheryl Holt
‡Mr. Ronnie Jenkins and Mrs. Anita Judd-Jenkins
†Mr. Richard Jespers
Mr. Bob and Mrs. Barbara Jewell
Mrs. Margaret Jewell
‡Mrs. Marvine Larson
Mr. Mike Lennen
Mr. Ned and Mrs. Norma Mattingly
Dr. David McGuire
Dr. Thad McLaughlin
‡Mrs. Sula McSpadden
†Mr. Art and Mrs. Sharyll Modschiedler
Mrs. Lorene Moots
Mr. Otis and Mrs. Terri Morrow
Dr. Larry Oncley
‡Mr. Tom and Mrs. Candy Pettey
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Cindy Pray
†Mr. Bill and Mrs. Marynell Reece
‡Dr. Robley Rhine
Mr. Leonard and Mrs. Eleanor Richardson
†Mr. Newton and Mrs. Doris Richardson
Mrs. Barbara Robison
†Dr. Everett and Mrs. Lois Samuelson
Ms. Maribeth Stansifer
†Mr. Greg and Mrs. Tina Stoppel
‡Mrs. Phyllis Street
†Mr. Mike Taylor
†Miss Janice Tucker
‡Dr. Steve and Mrs. Freda White
‡Mr. Victor and Mrs. Mary Wright
President's Council
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
†Mr. Loren and Mrs. Donna Alexander
†Dr. Ray and Mrs. Nancy Allen
Dr. Michael and Dr. Edith Allen
†Mr. Craig and Mrs. Susie Anderson
Mr. David Andreas
Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Ruth Archambeau
Mr. Jerome Bailey and Ms. Dawn Pleas-Bailey
†Mr. Randy and Mrs. Beth Barbour
Mr. Lucien and Mrs. Judith Barbour
‡Dr. Bill and Mrs. Christine Barr
†Dr. Paul and Mrs. Jane Bartholow
Dr. Hamby and Mrs. Jerry Barton
‡Mr. Jerry and Dr. Elizabeth Baumgart
Dr. Marvin and Mrs. Betty Bean
‡Mr. Paul and Mrs. Chris Bean
†Dr. Bob and Mrs. Valerie Bean
Dr. Kelly and Mrs. Vickie Bender
‡Rev. Eugene and Mrs. Mary Blake
Mr. Earl Boldt
†Mr. Mark Bolt
Mr. Dean and Mrs. Diane Bradbury
Ms. Betty Bradley
†Mr. John and Mrs. Kathy Bradshaw
Dr. David and Mrs. Peggy Brooks
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Berna Brooks
†Mr. Don and Mrs. Corky Caillouet
‡Miss Dahlia Cha
†Mr. Glenn and Dr. Melinda Chambers
†Mrs. Rosemary Chapman
†Rev. Mike and Mrs. Ann Clayton
‡Dr. Bill and Mrs. Ann Cloud
Mrs. Sherry Clymer
†Mr. Roger and Mrs. Shirley Coad
Mr. David and Mrs. Gyla Conklin
†Mr. Jim Cowie
‡Mrs. Marilyn Crenshaw
Mr. Gary and Mrs. Joanne Darfler
Lt. Col. John Davis
†Mr. Steven and Mrs. Teresa Day
‡Mr. Ralph Decker
†Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Kathy DeHaven
Mr. Steve and Mrs. Kris DeLano
‡Mr. Don and Mrs. Betsy Drennan
Mr. Craig and Mrs. Diana Duncan
‡Mr. Robert and Mrs. Jane Duncan
‡Mrs. Frances Dunlap
†Mr. Bill and Mrs. Marilyn Ervin
Mr. Claude and Mrs. Marian Everson
†Mr. Donald and Mrs. Betty Ewan
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Karen Farrell
Mr. David and Mrs. Liz Froman
‡Dr. Don Gibson
Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Dorotha Gilbreath
‡Mrs. Vivian Glenn
†Mr. Hiram and Mrs. Adilene Greer
†Dr. Ernie and Mrs. Lois Gullerud
†Mr. Bob and Mrs. Sue Hale
Mr. Doug and Mrs. Tiffany Hall
‡Mr. Ralph Hanna
Rev. Duane Harms
‡Mr. Bob and Mrs. Mary Hartley
Dr. Eloise Hayes
†Mr. Scott and Mrs. Shelley Hecht
†Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Mildred Helmer
Mr. Ross and Mrs. Brenda Hicks
‡Dr. Ken and Mrs. Vena Hiebsch
†Mr. Donald Himpel
†Ms. Mary Holcomb
€Mr. Chris and Mrs. Anne Holt
†Mr. Ron and Mrs. Karen Holt
Dr. Daniel and Dr. Martha Housholder
Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Cristi Howell
Mr. Phil and Mrs. Mary Jarvis
Mr. Robert Johnson
Dr. Scott Jones and Ms. Mary Lou Reece
‡Dr. Dan and Mrs. Violet Kahler
Mrs. Margaret Kantz
Rev. Harold and Mrs. Lorine Kieler
Dr. Bruce and Mrs. Leora Kline
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Judy Kraus
†Dr. Keith and Dr. Sarah Kreutziger
†Mr. Jamie and Mrs. Sheila Krug
‡Mr. Robert Lancaster and Ms. Margaret Davidson
†Mr. Eldon and Mrs. Vickie Lawless
Dr. James Leland
€Mr. George and Mrs. Susan Lowe
Dr. Eugene and Mrs. Sarah Lowry
Dr. Dennis and Mrs. Nova Maack
Dr. Charlie and Mrs. Dorothy Maddin
†Mr. John and Mrs. Betty Marshall
Mrs. Dorothy Marvel
Mr. Dick and Mrs. Betty McGehee
‡Mrs. Phyllis McMurry
‡Mr. Bill and Mrs. Maxine Medley
€Mr. Tod and Mrs. Jill Megredy
€Mr. Adam Messinger
‡Mr. Mike Metcalf and Ms. Nancy Putman
Mr. Ted and Mrs. Florence Metcalf
Dr. Max and Mrs. Annabel Miller
‡Dr. Keith and Mrs. Mary Moore
‡Mr. Darrell and Mrs. Patricia Moore
†Miss Gretchen Morgenstern
Mr. Ken and Mrs. Nancy Morse
Rev. Henry and Mrs. Helen Murray
Mr. Chang Woo and Mrs. Young Ja Nam
†Mr. Art and Mrs. Cindy Neely
‡Mr. Wendell and Mrs. Nancy Nicholas
‡Dr. David and Mrs. Grace Nichols
Dr. Bernie Nickel
‡Ms. Becky O'Neal
Dr. Malcolm and Mrs. Mary Oliver
Dr. Ray and Mrs. Lola Parsons
Mr. Cliff and Mrs. Joyce Peck
†Mr. David and Mrs. Kathy Peck
Dr. Karen Pedersen
Mr. Philip Pestinger
†Mr. Milford and Mrs. Carol Peterson
‡Mr. James and Mrs. Eula Belle Pieschl
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Barbara Protheroe
Dr. Steve and Mrs. Joni Rankin
Dr. David Reed
†Mr. Mark and Mrs. Jody Richardson
Mr. Max and Mrs. Wilma Rife
Dr. Forrest and Mrs. Betty Jean Robinson
†Mr. Pat and Mrs. Mary Ross
Mr. Larrie and Mrs. Brilla Scott
†Mrs. Ada Sipes
Mrs. Mary Lois Smith
†Dr. Devin Stahl
Mr. Allen Stansifer
Mrs. Thelma Stanton
Mr. Glen and Mrs. Freeda Steyer
‡Mrs. Marjorie Strohl
Mr. Rod and Mrs. Dorothy Strohl
†Dr. Tom Tanaka
‡Mr. Max Thompson
‡Mr. Harold and Mrs. Helen Tredway
Dr. Harold and Mrs. Dorothy Tretbar
Dr. John Tuttle
†Mr. Rick and Mrs. Janet Urban
Mrs. June Vasey
Mr. Kenneth Walker
‡Mr. Karl and Mrs. Margaret Webber
‡Mr. Lyle and Mrs. Sara Weinert
‡Mr. Dexter and Mrs. Barbara Welton
‡Dr. Steve and Mrs. Beth Wilke
‡Dr. Larry and Mrs. Terry Will
Mrs. Agnes Williams
‡Miss Mary Nell Wilson
Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Frances Yoder
†Rev. Larry and Mrs. Jean