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From Alumni Programs

Susan Lowe '95

Springtime is in the air and the frenzy that accompanies it is here too. As you go about planting your garden or seeding your lawn, I hope you will keep in mind that Southwestern College is also hard at work planting – seeds of knowledge, that is, in the minds of current students and adult learners. If you are an alumnus, from your own past experience you know these seeds will result in abundant harvests throughout the life of each of these individuals. And they, and ultimately many others, will benefit from the effort.

It’s reassuring to know that just as the seasons continue each year, so too does SC remain constant in its role. But it doesn’t just happen. As with a garden, it takes work and energy. The larger the garden, the more gardeners are needed. We are thrilled that the college has traditional students, adult learners, and an active alumni constituency that expend strong efforts to keep it all going.

I hope you will consider taking part. Whether as an actual volunteer (the options are endless!) or just by sending in names of great prospective students to be future Builders, your help will insure that the legacy of this institution will continue for generations to come. Please contact me at 800-846-1543, ext. 6334, or at slowe@sckans.edu, or at 100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156-2499, and I will be happy to visit with you about ways you can take part… even if you live in another state.

Happy spring!

Susan Lowe ’95
Director of Alumni Programs


Thursday, March 13, 7 p.m. – Washington, D.C., alumni dinner gathering at the Sequoia Restaurant. Come and join other D.C. area alumni and friends as we dine at this great location on Washington Harbour. Alumni co-hosts are Jean (Macmillan) Bowers ’71 and Lindsay Holzrichter ’98.

Saturday, March 29, 7 p.m. –Concert at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, Wichita. Unified group of student vocalists, brass, and more, sponsored by SC’s Institute for Discipleship.

Saturday, April 5, 6 p.m. – Natural Science Hall of Fame induction ceremony and dinner to honor outstanding science alumni, Roy L. Smith Dining Hall. Unveiling of plaques in Beech Science Center will be at 5:30 p.m.

Friday, April 11, 4:30 - 6 p.m. – SC Volunteer Reception, Pounds Lounge. If you have volunteered in any capacity over the course of the year, you are invited to attend this come-and-go gathering to be recognized for your efforts.

Saturday, April 26, 6 p.m. – ’70s and ’80s Wichita Stealth alumni event at the Kansas Coliseum. Plan to come and join ’70s and ’80s decades alumni who will travel from near and far for this annual gathering. Co-hosts are Ted Jantz ’72, Mike McCoy ’74, and Scott Lindemann ’91. Be there by 6 p.m. for the hospitality room social time; at 7 p.m., pre-game activities begin.

Saturday, April 26, 6 p.m. – Education Hall of Fame induction ceremony and dinner for honored education alumni, Roy L. Smith Dining Hall.

Friday, May 9, 5 - 6:30 p.m. Professional Studies Pre-Graduation Celebration. Come-and-go gathering at the Wichita East Center for new professional studies graduates and their families. PS staff and faculty, along with alumni staff, will be on hand to greet and a finger foods buffet will be provided at no charge to graduates and families. Main campus maps and a copy of the alma mater will be distributed to provide graduation information for the next day.

Saturday, May 10, 10:30 a.m. Baccalaureate, Richardson Auditorium, main campus.

Saturday, May 10, 4 p.m. Commencement, Sonner Stadium. Join us as we welcome Southwestern College’s newest alumni, the class of 2003!

Saturday, June 14, 4:30 p.m. Kansas City Royals alumni event! Join us for the fourth annual KC Royals gathering as they take on the San Francisco Giants. The evening will begin with a tailgate barbecue from 4:30 -5:30 p.m., followed by the game at 6:05 p.m. with club level seats in Kauffman Stadium Alumni hosts are Melissa Burdett ’00, and Alan and Judy (Hensley) Nation ’75 ’74.

Thursday, Aug. 28, 7 p.m. Moundbuilding Ceremony.

Saturday, Sept. 20, 5 p.m. 2003 Business Hall of Fame Induction & Dinner, Roy L. Smith Dining Hall. 5 p.m. dinner, 5:45 p.m. induction ceremony, 7 p.m. football game vs. KS Wesleyan.

Saturday, Sept. 13, 1 - 5 p.m. Professional Studies Fall Frolic, our first annual family fun event at Linwood Park, Wichita. Professional Studies alumni, faculty, and current students are invited to come and bring their families for an afternoon of food, fun, games, and “Oliver Propflinger.” The zany juggler will be on hand to delight, , amaze… and , teach basic juggling skills.

Oct. 10, 11, and 12 – HOMECOMING 2003… Fine Arts is the academic focus and reunion years are classes ending in 3 and 8.

Remember, you do not need to live in the area where an event is being held to attend. All alumni and friends of the college are welcome to attend any of our events, regardless of location. Contact the Department of Alumni Programs, 800-846-1543, ext. 6334, or slowe@sckans.edu for more information.

Moundbuilder Memories

Do you have wonderful memories of your days at good old SC? Then sharpen your pencil or warm up your keyboard… here is your chance to share your tales. Once again, the alumni programs department is hosting a Moundbuilder Memories short story contest, with winners and their stories to be recognized at Homecoming. Two categories are offered: traditional alumni and professional studies alumni. Contest entries will be accepted through Aug. 31.

One overall grand prize winner will be selected to earn an expense-free Homecoming weekend package (motel lodging and meals for two, plus football tickets), and your story will be printed in The Southwesterner.

1. To enter, write an original short story about a favorite Southwestern College memory, 250 words or less. One entry per person, per year.

2. Make sure your name, complete address, telephone number, and class year appear prominently on your entry. Persons who attended SC but did not graduate are eligible for this contest.

3. Submit your entry in time to be received by August 31 to SC Alumni Programs, 100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156. No late entries will be allowed.

4. Employees of Southwestern College are not eligible to win.

A Big Thanks to our Volunteers

Names of all who have volunteered for Alumni Programs since the last Southwesterner
(January - March 2003)

Wellington Admissions Event:
Bob ’82 and Valerie Bean
Marvin and Betty Eckl Bean ’43 ’50
Doug Pfalzgraf ’82
Larry Will ’69

SC Tailgate Party before the Friends games, Jan. 25:
Ryan Clark ’02
Seth Leeper ’01
Lisa L. Phillips ’01
Jacob Tuttle ’01

’50s and ’60s Alumni Event at Hotel at Old Town, Jan. 31:
Loren and Donna (Fall) Alexander ’51 ’53
Ron and Judy (Martin) Haynes ’67 ’67

SC Basketball Alumni Reunion, Feb. 1:
Dale Irwin
Mike Kirkland ’82

Liberal Alumni Social, Feb. 5:
Kevin Colvin ’98
Jim Littell ’77

Western Kansas Dodge City Alumni Event, Feb. 8:
Carla Harris ’77
Paul Lewis ’77

’30s and ’40s Alumni Event at Crestview, March 7:
Garland ’34 and Freida Hattan
Ken and Vena (Condit Hiebsch) ’43 ’44
SC Back Pack Brigade

Alumni Dinner Seminar, March 7:
Ann (Myers) Richardson ’79

Volunteers for Washington, D.C. Alumni Event, Mar. 13:
Jean Macmillan Bowers ’71
Lindsay Holzrichter ’98

Builders of Excellence Campaign
Craig Anderson ’82
David Andreas
Warren Andreas
Michelle Boucher ’82
Jim Buterbaugh ’71
George Cole ’63
Betty Daniels
Keith Dial ’68
Craig Duncan ’02
Larry Eason ’55
Lequita Eason
Jack Focht ’57
Juletta Gall
Charlie Hunter ’67
Craig Johnson
Evelyn King
Ken Kraus ’79
Mike Lewis ’74
George McNeish
Marilyn (Powers) McNeish ’54
Steve McSpadden
Bill Medley ’49
Mike Metcalf ’89
Candy Pettey ’68
Cheryl Rude
Kelly Rundell ’82
Bill Seyb ’65
David Smith ’73
John Smith ’63
Linda Smith
Michael Wilder
Sharon Wright

Business Hall of Fame Nominations

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to nominate a worthy Moundbuilder for the Southwestern College Business Hall of Fame. The 2003 ceremony to recognize and honor outstanding SC alumni will be held on Sept. 20 in the Roy L. Smith Dining Hall. Nominations are currently being accepted and forms may be obtained through the Department of Alumni Programs, 800-846-1543, ext. 6334, or e-mail slowe@sckans.edu. Or you may fill out a form on our Web site at www.sckans.edu/alumni.

Return completed forms to the Department of Alumni Programs, 100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156-2499. Deadline for nominations for the Business Hall of Fame is May 1, 2003.

Mark Your Calendars for Homecoming

Mark your calendar now… next year’s Homecoming celebration will be held on Oct. 10,11, and 12, 2003. The academic focus will be fine arts, and the reunion year classes will be those ending in 3 or 8. Plan to be there!