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Barbara Shively 1919-2003

Barbara Shively, 84, lifelong resident of Burden, Kan., died Aug. 28, 2003, in Winfield. From 1970 to 1979 when she retired, Shively was the financial aid officer at Southwestern College. Ralph Decker recalls that during the years Mrs. Shively was the financial aid director (and in those days, the entire department) at SC, she realized that for some students the financial aid system simply did not supply adequate funds. Barbara made up the difference out of her own pocket and that is how many Moundbuilders made it to graduation during her 10 years at SC. Some paid the loan back, some did not. Ralph recalls Mrs. Shively saying, "When they did not pay it back it just meant that I could not help as many the next time around." While working at Southwestern, she also began working at the Walnut Valley Festival office where she continued until 1999.

E. Dale Dunlap

E. Dale Dunlap, who was a faculty member and academic dean at Southwestern College during the 1950s, died July 22, 2003. After he left Southwestern he became one of the founding faculty members of Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City. From 1970 until his retirement in 1987, he was academic dean of the seminary.
A well-known Wesleyan scholar, Dunlap was a leader in both the Kansas West Annual Conference and the general church. A member of two General Conferences and four Jurisdictional Conferences, he chaired the Ministry Study Commission of the United Methodist Church and was a member of the Committee to Study Baptism. He wrote the initial draft of what would become known as “By Water and the Spirit,” the official United Methodist understanding of baptism. In his latter years, he was involved in advocacy for the rights of persons of same gender orientation.
“E. Dale Dunlap was an embodiment of the essential elements of the Wesleyan tradition for the contemporary world,” says former Southwestern College President Carl E. Martin. “He linked a passion for social justice with an intellectual discipline that invited others to follow. He was a compassionate leader, a dear friend and mentor.”
Dunlap is survived by his wife of 58 years, Frances Whitehead.

Two men inducted into Southwestern College's Natural Science Hall of Fame during April 2002 have died in the past few months.

Harlan Lenander Sr. ’39, a Sandia National Laboratories scientist who helped develop a system protecting ships from magnetic mines in World War II, died May 3, 2003. Following his graduation from Southwestern, Lenander received a fellowship for graduate study in magnetism at Duke University, but was recruited by the U.S. Navy for its Magnetic Mine Protection program at the outbreak of World War II. He later directed the testing of guided missiles at the Navy’s China Lake Naval Base and then joined the technical staff at the Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, N.M. While at Sandia, he supervised the testing of nuclear weapons on Eniwetok Atoll and later became director of development, manufacturing, and testing for electromagnetic components and systems. He retired as director of weapons applications. Lenander was an active volunteer whose generosity included making standing tables for disabled children. His survivors include his wife, Helen; they were only four days away from their 60th anniversary when Lenander died.

Dee F. Taylor ’40, Brooksville, Fla., died July 16, 2003. Taylor received a fellowship in meteorology at the California Institute of Technology, and then spent the next 35 years as a professional meteorologist with the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Forest Service. He studied typhoons with the Navy’s Pacific Weather Squadron on Guam and made 25 typhoon penetrations. He later served in Washington, D.C. as commanding officer of the Navy’s Fleet Weather Central, and then became director of atmospheric science for the U.S. Forest Service. During his career, he was active in research and authored more than 40 research publications. After retirement from meteorology, Taylor invented a process that gave sign manufacturers the ability to sharpen dull tungsten blades. Survivors include his wife, Margaret (Seal) ’41.