Homecoming Service Project

School-Wide Homecoming Service Project as a kick-off to Homecoming!

Southwestern College Vision: “Leadership through service in a world without boundaries”

jinx cat working


Hosted by Service Learning: Leadership SC, Discipleship SC, and Southwestern Green Team





Homecoming Service Project - 2016

Southwestern College students participated in a school-wide Homecoming service project on Sunday, Oct. 2.  The event was planned and hosted by Leadership S, Discipleship SC, and Green Team Southwestern.  A total of 331 SC students filled 1500 bags for the Backpack for Kids program. The bags included 11 non-perishable food items, two athletic passes for SC events, a hand-written note to the student getting the bag from one of the SC students on a postcard with a picture of the specific team writing the note. The handwritten postcards were also printed on recycled paper donated by Jason Speegle and the Green Team. The backpack food programs provide a bag of non-perishable food to children in need that they can take home and eat when school meal programs are unavailable.  

2016 homecoming project

group working

HC service project 2016 2

leadership homecoming

HC service project 2016 3

directors 2016 2

big group 2016

bags in room 2016




Homecoming Service Project - 2015

Each student on campus took part in a food packaging event that took place in the Fall of 2015 where over 30,000 meals were packaged to be served to those in need in Kansas. Every student organization took part in this event making it a great service project for everyone involved!

Check out some of the pictures from the event below:

Homecoming 2015 s.p.

Homecoming 2015 sp

HC SP 2015



Check out what the 2014 Homecoming Service Project

HT photo

"Courage to Use Your Voice" was all about!

Advocacy Ideas to Combat Human Trafficking

  • Sticky notes: around campus with facts/stats/ other pertinent information
  • Napkins: write facts on napkins and return them to the cafeteria for people to see throughout homecoming week
  • Campus Color Day: organize an event where everyone wears a specific color to raise awareness for domestic violence/human sex trafficking
  • Write “Hope” on your arms
  • Posters/flyers to raise awareness
  • Learn about existing organizations such as the “End It” Movement – a campaign against modern-day slavery. Explore other Websites of Interest
  • Make an awareness commercial video – give stats, provide a hotline number for those who might be silently struggling with this issue
  • Perform an awareness skit and put it on YouTube.
  • Find a platform or a way to challenge and oppose sexist, racial, and disrespectful remarks, jokes, behavior, etc.
  • Find existing newspaper articles addressing this issue in our area and share them on social media
  • Fundraise: to support an agency such as the WSU Center for Human Trafficking, by hosting a fun movie/discussion night, hosting a bake sale; running and/or bike for your cause; a dinner; take time right now to plan an event for the future
  • Invest in young people.  Commit to being a tutor, volunteer in your faith congregation’s children’s ministry, volunteer for community youth outreach groups. 
  • Letters of encouragement to people that have been affected by domestic violence; let them know that someone cares
  • Learn more about “1 in 4” on SC’s campus
  • Make prayer bracelets to wear as a visual reminder to pray for those affected by human sex trafficking and domestic violence daily
  • Posting statistics around campus; utilize a scan code directing people to an awareness website (to be used by smartphones)
  • Put something under chairs as groups re-enter the auditorium today to represent the number of people who are affected by human sex trafficking
  • Hold a prayer vigil/worship service with your group for this project
  • Organize a slide/presentation for chapel or another campus event
  • Purchase products from places like Thistle Farms, House of Hope, etc. to assist survivors of human trafficking in developing job skills and earning a living wage.  (Check out products from Raise My Head Foundation in the Resource Room.)
  • Paint a rock in memory of those who have been affected by sex trafficking/domestic violence and put it in the mound as a visual representation of SC builders caring about this issue
  • Research the way that human sex trafficking and buying fair trade are related. Choose to purchase items from companies that refuse to allow forced labor, child slavery, or unsafe practices in their supply chains (e.g. look at the origin crop of coffee, cotton, etc. came from by visiting sites such as free2work and Download Fair Trade USA’s APP on your phone at to find fair trade products in your area; commit to buying fair trade for a week
  • Utilize a world map to figure out the travel patterns of human sex trafficking

Get involved locally

Utilize Our Resource Room Guests!

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters (Winfield): Learn more about being a mentor to at-risk kids.
  • Raise My Head Foundation (Wichita): Raise My Head Foundation is a two-year residential program for women 18 years of age and older who have identified a need to transition out of lives of prostitution, abuse, and addiction.  Come by and see some of the products the women create/make and sell to support themselves. 
  • Safe Homes (Winfield): Provides services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking; learn more about their efforts and volunteer opportunities
  • Center for Combating Human Trafficking (Wichita): The Center for Combating Human Trafficking at Wichita State University is dedicated to fighting all forms of human trafficking, whether labor or sexual exploitation.  Stop by and talk with one of their staff members about how you can get involved.

Get involved on a policy-level

As a large group of constituents address issues such as human trafficking, sexual exploitation, pornography, strip clubs, etc.   They will listen to you!

  • Talk to Your Legislator: House of Representatives member is available for discussion and wants to hear what you care about regarding this issue
  • Email your Legislator: Sample email forms to Representative and Senator are available to help you get started.
  • Register to Vote in KS: Visit to register online or pick up a paper application, but be sure to read through the Voter FAQ first so you know what you’ll need!
  • Learn about Laws Impacting this IssueLegislation Summaries

Additional Resources


Be as creative as you wish! Share your ideas with us on Instagram.

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