Course Descriptions

SES 103 Sustainability: Concepts and Applications 

This course will provide meaning to the term “sustainability” in terms of its basic principles and it applications. It will provide a broad overview of challenges posed by environmental degradation, resource depletion, overpopulation, and energy consumption. The course will examine the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainable development by looking into relevant local, regional, and global environmental issues. It will focus on potential ways that societies can respond to ensure that these problems are not neglected and allowed to grow for future generations to solve. A keystone component of the course will be for students to investigate sustainable solutions to environmental problems and present them through a variety of media formats. Credit 3 hours. 

SES 359 Practicum in Sustainability 

The goal of the sustainability practicum is to immerse students in real sustainability problems and projects and facilitate their development of creative interdisciplinary solutions. Students will envision, design, implement, and evaluate a project in the realm of sustainability as the project leader, in consultation with peers and faculty. Prerequisites: SES 101 and 102, or consent of instructor. Credit 3 hours. 

*2023-2024 Academic Catalog

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