
Are you interested…

In applying psychology to the workplace?
In studying workplace behavior?
In helping to select employees who are a good fit for a particular job?
In helping to train and assess employees and human resources?
In working to determine the best work conditions for a particular job?
In working to determine who are the best leaders and put those practices into place with current leaders?

Requires a bachelor’s degree & M.S., or PhD in industrial/organizational psychology.

General Required Courses

  • General Psychology
  • Research Methods
  • Statistics
  • History of Psychology
  • Prep 499

I/O Psychology Recommended Courses

  • I/O Psychology
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Social Psychology
  • Personality
  • Learning
  • Cognition
  • Community Psychology
  • Psychology of Women
  • Research
  • Practicum

Recommended Six Courses

  • Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Principles of Microeconomics
  • Communication, teamwork,
  • leadership, groups
  • Introduction to Leadership
  • Leadership & Ethical Worldviews
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