Course Descriptions

PSYC112 General Psychology 

An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Special attention is placed on the scientific method in the exploration of consciousness, learning, motivation, emotion, development, personality, mental disorders, biological factors, social-psychological phenomena, and cognitive processes. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC218 Child Psychology 

The development of behavior from infancy through adolescence. The focus will be on biological, cognitive, and socioemotional theories and research of child development. An emphasis will be placed on the development of these theories as well as how they can be applied in real world contexts. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC219 Social Psychology 

Social factors in behavior of individuals and groups, including attitudes, leadership, and personality and culture. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC220 Belief in Weird Things 

This course is an introduction to the scientific method the importance of thinking critically in psychology. The class will examine a variety of “weird” phenomenon, attempt to evaluate evidence for these claims, and explore why people may be lead to believe said claims. Topics discussed will vary, but may include talking to the dead, UFO abductions, astrology, and alternative medicines. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC225 Multicultural Psychology 

This course will primarily examine how various cultural influences play an integral role in psychological processes. Evaluation of these components will include familiarization with research and assessment of diverse populations, understanding intersecting identities, and appreciation of cultural diversity within and outside of the United States based on psychosocial interpretation. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC242 Personality 

Contemporary approaches to the psychological study of personality. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC252 Developmental Psychology 

The development of behavior from birth to death. The focus will be on biological, cognitive, and socioemotional theories and research of child development. An emphasis will be placed on the development of these theories as well as how they can be applied in real world contexts. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC301 Human Sexuality 

Course covers the biological aspects of human sexuality, love, aberrant sexual behavior, abortion, contraception, parenthood, sexual orientation, and numerous other sexually related subjects. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC302 Forensic Psychology

This course is an introduction to theories and concepts in the study of forensic psychology. Topics include police psychology, psychology of crime and delinquency, victimology and victim services, legal psychology, and correctional psychology. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC320 Abnormal Psychology 

An introduction to personality disorders. Emphasis on theories of pathology and treatment. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC321 Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology 

A study of major theoretical formulations and practical applications in the history of clinical and counseling psychology, from classical psychoanalysis to contemporary modes of treatment. Emphasis is placed on what clinical and counseling psychologists do, including methods of appraisal, professional roles, and psychotherapeutic approaches to treatment. Prerequisites: PSYC 112. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC325 Research Methods 

An introduction to the theory and methodology of psychological research with emphasis on experimental design, data collection, statistical analysis, and report writing. Each student will actively participate in all four phases of the research process. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PSYC 112 and MATH 215. Credit 4 hours. 

PSYC330 Biological Foundations of Psychology 

A study of the anatomy, physiology, and function of the nervous and endocrine systems and their relationship to psychological issues. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC333 Cognition 

The psychological study of attention, pattern recognition, memory, language, reasoning, problem solving, and creativity. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC335 Psychology of Sport 

A study of the psychology of motivation, attitudes, values, social mobility, and status as it relates to athletics. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC356 Research Apprenticeship 

Students will have the opportunity to learn the research process by assisting a psychology professor in their ongoing research. Students will help with literature reviews, data collection, data input, data analysis, write-ups and presentation of research. Prerequisite: Consent of psychology program director. Credit 3 hours, May be repeated for credit. 

PSYC419 History and Systems of Psychology 

A study of the evolution of psychology as a science through an examination of philosophical and physiological antecedents, major systems and schools of thought, and contemporary approaches. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC422 Learning 

A survey of current learning theories and research in learning. Prerequisites: PSYC 112. Credit 3 hours. 

PSYC454 Senior Research Project 

This experience is designed to give students an opportunity to design, execute, and present scientific research in psychology as primary investigators. Prerequisites: PSYC 325 and two semesters of PSYC 356. Credit 3 hours. May be repeated for credit 

PSYC459 Practicum in Psychology 

A practicum can be designed to explore an area of student interest. Prerequisite: Consent of the psychology program director. Credit 1 to 5 hours. 

PSYC460 Internship in Psychology 

An internship can be designed to explore an area of student interest. Prerequisites: Consent of psychology program director. Credit 6 to 14 hours. 

*2024-2025 Course Catalog

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