
Fall Brings New Speakers to Chapel

Chapel at Southwestern College will feature a new theme this year, Commitment Issues: Living a Life of Absolute Devotion. Old traditions and new ideas will take place at the regular meeting time, 11 a.m. Wednesdays, at Messenger Recital Hall in the Darbeth Fine Arts Center.
Southwestern College Campus Minister Ashley Alley said one of the new changes is the outreach team helping with the weekly Chapel service.
“Before students helped with music and now the outreach will help, so the students don’t always have to,” said Alley.

The schedule of guest speakers set for the fall includes: Rodney Worsham, Creighton Alexander, Stephen Sours, Adam Barlow-Thompson, Dawn Pleas-Bailey, Mike Harper, Kirstie Garnes, Kim Rea, and David Smith.
“We try to bring in a variety of people who have a connection to Southwestern in which the students can hear,” said Alley.
One special guest featured at chapel is Bishop Scott Jones. Jones currently serves as the resident bishop of the Kansas Area of the United Methodist Church and will speak at Chapel on Sept. 29.
“Jones also serves on the board of trustees and I would like the campus to get to meet him,” said Alley.
Alley also says she wants to encourage everyone in the community to come to chapel and visit for schedule listings. 

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