
New Show to Air Before Weekly Chapel Service

The Southwestern College chapel team will introduce a new show that will precede the weekly chapel Webcast every Wednesday.

Beginning Wednesday, Aug. 26, “The Allielujah Hour” will make its debut.  The show is hosted by Southwestern College graduate Allison (Ewing) Reed. The pre-recorded show features praise and worship music along with selected scripture.  Chapel and “The Allielujah Hour” can be heard live online at beginning at 10 a.m.

Reed graduated in 1995 with a bachelor of arts in mass communications.  She is a member of the Southwestern College mass communications hall of fame. She works out of a remote studio in Pratt for KSNS 91.5 FM radio in Medicine Lodge.  Reed has many duties at the radio station.

“Along with putting together my weekly show, I put together our top 30 playlist, write and record underwriting spots, host a Friday segment called ‘Ask the Pastor’ where listeners e-mail questions for a local pastor to answer. I also tape interviews with local lawmakers for a legislative update for our area, and I have interviewed artists like Rita Springer, Gary Chapman, and Andrew Peterson,” Reed says.

Southwestern College has chapel services every Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Messenger Auditorium in the Darbeth Fine Arts Center.  The student-led chapel praise teams lead the service.

“We are excited about the opportunity to connect a ministry like Allison’s with our ministry of chapel,” says Ashlee Alley, director of campus ministry at Southwestern.  “We know that we have people listen to our chapel service each week and we think that ‘The Allielujah Hour’ is a great way to get started for chapel.” 

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