
Parkhurst Lecture and Builders In Ministry Week Coming to SC

Quincy Brown 3 Rev. Quincy Brown, vice president for spiritual life and church relations at LaGrange College, will present the Parkhurst Lecture at Southwestern College Thursday, Feb. 20. Brown will speak on “The Quest for Vocation: The Humpty Dumpty Moments of In-between Times.”

The lecture will begin at 7 p.m. in the Richardson Performing Arts Center and is a free event that the public is encouraged to attend.  The Parkhurst Lecture coincides with the 8th annual Builders In Ministry week, Feb. 20-21, at Southwestern College.

Known to many as “Q,” Quincy uses his gift as a storyteller to help others see how their personal stories fit together with God’s larger story of grace and wholeness to define their calling.  Quincy has written several articles, essays, and publications on vocation, faith development, and life’s transitions including the book “Q.U.E.S.T. Stories as Guides through Life’s Transitions” (2008) and “The Q.U.E.S.T. for Vocation: A Personal Journey to Discern a Life’s Calling (2013).”  Quincy has served as a keynote speaker for numerous events, coordinated church programming events ranging from youth ministry to mission and service trips, created both blended and contemporary worship services, and implemented and taught new Sunday school classes. 

“When I heard Quincy last year in Indianapolis, I found him both informative and entertaining, and I am so glad he agreed to be with us,” says Steve Wilke, vice president for planning and new programs at Southwestern College.

Quincy, an ordained United Methodist minister, earned a bachelor of science degree in electronic engineering, a master of divinity degree from Emory University, and a doctor of ministry degree from the Interdenominational Theological Center on the Atlanta University Center campus where his dissertation focused on how liminality helps college students to develop their faith. He is interested in using stories from the Bible, comic books, movies, and pop culture to help people make meaning out of life crises and transitions.  He is married to Dionne Moore Brown and lives in Newnan, Ga.

Refreshments will follow the lecture in the Richardson lobby.

Builders in Ministry is dedicated to providing educational opportunities that nurture and enrich Christian leaders—lay and clergy—for effective living and ministry.  The event is a two-day conference for Moundbuilder alumni, current students, and friends of Southwestern who are involved in ministry or are anticipating going into the ministry, and will include elements of spiritual renewal/refreshment, community/fellowship, and continuing education.

Additional featured speakers for Builders in Ministry include Rev. Doug Morphis, the co-founder of the Counseling and Meditation Center.  He is a Diplomate in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, an ordained United Methodist minister, and a licensed clinical marriage and family therapist in the state of Kansas; and Rev. Valerie Robideaux, Chaplain at Centenary College and ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church.

For more information, go to

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