Philosophy & Religion

Kirsten TeachingThe Philosophy and Religion major offers a unique dual focus of gaining practical skills essential for every profession, such as effectively reading texts, making logical arguments, and writing well, and exploring deep questions of meaning that face every person, questions such as, why am I here? What do I believe in? What are my values? These practical and existential questions are explored in a context that is both academically challenging and safe and nurturing.

Most students that major in Philosophy and Religion continue on to graduate school in fields as diverse as theology, law, philosophy, education, and even medicine. Many of our students have discerned a calling for ministry and our academic program, while not limited to ministry preparation, is designed to cultivate that calling by providing both a theological foundation and practical experience in ministry settings. Students are equipped to continue onto seminary or to go directly into ministry settings.

We urge you to spend some time on this site, listening to the videos above from our professors and students, reading through our program requirements, and getting a taste for all of our co-curricular opportunities. We also hope that you will come to campus, spend some time with us to get a feeling for studying philosophy and religion at Southwestern. For more information about our department, contact Jackson Lashier at or 620-229-6066.

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