Secondary Licensure in Mathematics

Secondary Licensure in Mathematics


  • MATH215 Introduction to Statistics and Probability (3 hours)
  • MATH222 Calculus 1 (5 hours)
  • MATH223 Calculus 2 (5 hours)
  • MATH224 Calculus 3 (5 hours)
  • MATH319 Linear Algebra (3 hours)
  • MATH320 Introduction to Advanced Mathematics (3 hours)
  • MATH321 Ordinary Differential Equations (3 hours)
  • MATH331 Foundations of Geometry (3 hours)
  • MATH444 Abstract Algebra (3 hours)
  • CPTR112 Programming 1 (or any other high-level programming language) (Minimum 3 hours)
  • PHYS211 General Physics 1 (5 hours)
  • PHYS212 General Physics 2 (5 hours)

Teacher Education Licensure Requirements

  • EDUC150 Introduction to Education (2 hours)
  • EDUC215 Foundations of Education (3 hours)
  • EDUC216 Diversity Field Experience (1 hour)
  • EDUC220 Educational Technology (3 hours)
  • EDUC238M Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary Schools (3 hours)
  • EDUC322 Educational Psychology (4 hours)**
  • EDUC323 Introduction to Exceptionalities (4 hours)**
  • EDUC343 Home, School, and Community (3 hours)
  • EDUC344 Content Area Literacy (3 hours)
  • EDUC352 Principles of Effective Secondary Instruction (3 hours)
  • EDUC439 Secondary School Methods and Management (4 hours)**
  • EDUC440 Student Teaching Seminar (1 hour)**
  • EDUC449 Observation and Supervised Teaching in the Secondary School (4-12 hours)**

**Taken after formal admittance to the Teacher Education Program.

Cognate requirements

  • PSYC112 General Psychology (3 hours)
  • PSYC218 Child Psychology (3 hours)

*2024-2025 Course Catalog

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