
First Year

Introduction to Careers in Health Sciences

First year health science students will begin with a one semester seminar course that will provide an overview of the diversity of career paths available in healthcare. This seminar will be taught by a variety of practitioners in a number of different medical fields.

During their first year, health science students will also begin their science/math core curriculum which will consist of 29 credits of coursework that is common to almost all medically related graduate programs. This coursework will be spread out over several years depending upon the specific needs and strengths of each particular student.

  • 1 year General Biology
  • 1 year General Chemistry
  • 1 semester Organic Chemistry
  • 1 year College Physics
  • 1 semester Statistics
  • 1 semester Medical Terminology

Next Steps

After mastering the core science/math prerequisites, health science students will select a minimum of five advanced science electrives from an extensive list. This allows students and their advisors to individualize their education to meet the needs of their chosen graduate program and their own specific interests. The diversity of available coursework provides ample opportunity for exploration of science fields related to the healthcare professions.

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • Development Biology
  • Principles of Nutrition
  • Genetics and Evolution
  • Cell Biology
  • Animal Physiology
  • Microbiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Pathophysiology
  • Organic Chemistry II
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • General Psychology
  • Child Psychology
  • Sociology

Senior Year

Seminar in Health Sciences

Senior year, health science students enroll in a capstone seminar experience which allows them to explore and present aspects of medical research to their peers and faculty. Students in the seminar will also be able to hone their professional skills in career preparation exercises such as resume writing and the crafting of a personal statement.

Healthcare related internships for degree credit

Health science students are also given the opportunity to augment their traditional curriculum with professional interniships and practica in healthcare for degree credit.



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