Student Teaching


Please read completely before filling out forms.

  1. Submit the Application for Admission to Student Teaching to your EDUC436/437/439 Methods & Management instructor.
  2. Submit the Student Teaching Placement Request to your EDUC436/437/439 Methods & Management instructor.
  3. Submit the Acknowledgement of Student Teaching Requirements to your EDUC436/437/439 Methods & Management instructor.
  4. Send the School Personnel Health Form to the Education Faculty Assistant.
  5. Purchase Professional Liability Insurance is required and may be purchased through KNEA. Send a copy to the Education Faculty Assistant.
  6. Complete your Background Check by going to The package code is SK39.
  7. Although not required prior to student teaching, you are encouraged to schedule the Praxis II Content Assessment and Principles of Learning Assessment required for the KSDE initial teaching license.  Learn more about Kansas assessment requirements here.
  8. Complete the Waiver of Confidentiality Form for file review. If you have a closed file you will not be able to review your file and recommendation forms. If you have an open file you will be able to review your file and recommendation forms.
  9. Submit five (5) recommendations to your EDUC436/437/439 Methods & Management instructor. Send one completed copy of the Waiver of Confidentiality Form and a link to the Recommendation for Admission to Student Teaching Form to each person. One (1) should be your advisor (Main Campus) or academic success coach (PS) and four (4) should be instructors. If you just do not have four (4) instructors that can complete the form you may use one (1) personal recommendation.

An incomplete student teacher file you will delay your opportunity to interview. Inability to interview may cause you to be delayed in your student teaching.

All application resources are available in the EDUC436/437/439 Blackboard shell.


Mark Whitener - Licensing Officer

Recommendation for Admission to Student Teaching Form

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