
The KSDE approved and CAEP accredited Teacher Education Program offered by Southwestern College provides the study and practice of the essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions for obtaining a teaching license. In addition to successfully completing the program of study, each student is required to take and pass one or more KSDE identified licensure exam(s) at or above the level of performance specified by KSDE. With successful completion of the teacher education program of study as well as passing the required licensure exam(s), Southwestern College will be able to recommend the successful student for a specific teaching license or endorsement.

How do I apply for my teaching license?

Teacher licensure information can be found on the Kansas Department of Education web page. Your advisor will be happy to discuss the path to licensure with you. 

Each applicant must register with Teacher Licensure and Accreditation. Once the information is inputted into the KSDE TLA web site, our teacher education licensure officer can add the additional information required from us.  Once SC submits the application, Teacher Licensure and Accreditation will send the applicant an email instructing how to pay for the license.

This link will also help you find the information you need to obtain your license:

Other forms can be obtained/downloaded for licenses by going to the Kansas State Department of Education Web page:

Renewing a License

If assistance is needed to renew a license, please contact Mark Whitener at 620 229-6115 or

Restricted Licensure

An application for an alternative form of licensure known as a restricted license cannot be obtained through the KSDE web site. This licensure application is very specific for secondary licensures, and the SC licensure officer works directly with a potential applicant. SC can be considered as an institution to support a restricted licensure applicant in the following areas: biology, chemistry, English, History and Government, mathematics, music, and speech and theatre. If you need information about restricted licensure, please click the following link:

Licensure in other states

Completion of Southwestern College’s approved programs for teacher licensure and added endorsements do not automatically guarantee that you will be able to obtain a license or endorsement in another state.  It will be important for you to check with the state department of education in the state in which you plan to obtain a license, well in advance of completing SC’s program. You may also contact your education division advisor or the SC Licensure Officer, Mark Whitener,, 620-221-2900, for assistance in obtaining information regarding licensure in that state. 

Statement on 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v). Teacher Licensure in Other States

Southwestern teacher education programs are accredited by the Center for Accreditation of Educational Programs (CAEP) and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE). Upon completion of all required courses and assessments, graduates of these programs will be eligible to apply for a Kansas initial teaching license for their program of study after they successfully complete the Kansas teacher licensure exams required by the State of Kansas for application for a teacher license or endorsement.  Southwestern College makes no claims that any education programs will lead to licensure in any state other than Kansas in which a graduate may seek licensure. Because every state has different requirements that may change frequently, we recommend checking with the state education department for the state in question to determine current requirements. The nonprofit organization Education Commission of the States has compiled Teacher License Reciprocity State Profiles that provide additional information about the teacher license reciprocity agreements for each state in a searchable format. Kansas Teacher Reciprocity Agreements provides a list of member states of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement who have signed reciprocity agreements with Kansas.

The SC educator preparation program recommends that you apply first for a Kansas teaching license whether you plan to teach in Kansas or not.  This sometimes provides a smoother, quicker process when applying for the out-of-state license.  However, each state has its own licensure requirements, so it is best to contact the relevant state department of education or our department prior to beginning your program.  A link for State’s websites is provided below.

Teacher Licensure Reciprocity by State compiled by Education Commission of the States:

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