Course Descriptions
Chemistry Related Courses
CHEM101 Essentials of Chemistry
This course is intended for non-majors. Topics to be studied include measurements, stoichiometry, electrolytes, chemical reactions, the periodic table, acid-base chemistry and basic organic and biological chemistry. This course is not open to students who have completed CHEM 111 with a C+ or better. Credit 3 hours.
CHEM102 Essentials of Chemistry with Laboratory
This course is intended for non-majors who require an introductory chemistry course with a lab. Topics to be studied include measurements, stoichiometry, electrolytes, chemical reactions, the periodic table, acid-base chemistry and basic organic and biological chemistry. This course is not open to students who have completed CHEM 111 with a C+ or better. Lecture and laboratory. Credit 4 hours.
CHEM111 General Chemistry 1
Stoichiometry, periodic properties of representative elements, structure of atoms and molecules, thermal chemistry, gas laws, and properties of gases, liquids, and solids. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 110 or consent of instructor. Credit 4 hours.
CHEM112 General Chemistry 2
Acid base chemistry, solutions, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, and aqueous equilibria. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: CHEM 111 or consent of instructor. Credit 4 hours.
CHEM131 Honors General Chemistry 1
The class expands on topics presented in General Chemistry 1. It is designed as a supplement for science majors with strong high school backgrounds currently enrolled in General Chemistry 1. The course is a mixture of problem sets, discussion, and lab projects. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 111 or consent of instructor. A composite ACT score of 26 or higher is recommended. Credit 1 hour.
CHEM132 Honors General Chemistry 2
The class expands on topics presented in General Chemistry 2. It is a supplement for science majors with strong backgrounds currently enrolled in General Chemistry 2. The course is a mixture of problem sets, discussion, and lab projects. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 112 or consent of instructor. A composite ACT score of 26 or higher is recommended. Credit 1 hour.
CHEM221 Organic Chemistry 1
The functional groups found in organic chemistry, with emphasis on their structures, physical properties, and reactions (selected). Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: CHEM 112 or consent of instructor. Credit 5 hours.
CHEM222 Organic Chemistry 2
Mechanisms of chemical reactions, emphasizing synthesis. Introduction of instrumental analysis such as NMR, IR, and mass spectroscopy. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: CHEM 221 or consent of instructor. Credit 5 hours.
CHEM324 Analytical Chemistry
A survey of modern methods of chemical analysis including titrations, equilibrium techniques, electrochemistry, spectroscopy, and separation procedures. Emphasis is given to analytical calculations. Two lecture hours and 6 laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 112 or consent of instructor. Credit 4 hours.
CHEM345 Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Theoretical treatment of gases, solids, liquids and solutions, using thermodynamics, electrochemistry and reaction kinetics will be discussed. Problems will have a biochemical emphasis. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: CHEM 112, MATH 222, or consent of instructor. PHYS 201 or 211 recommended. Credit 4 hours.
CHEM421 Advanced Organic Chemistry
The functional groups found in Organic Chemistry are discussed with emphasis on their structures, physical properties and reactions. Mechanisms of chemical reactions emphasizing synthesis will be discussed. Use of instrumental analysis such as NMR, IR, and mass spectroscopy will be presented. Prerequisites: CHEM 221 and 222, or consent of instructor. Credit 3 hours.
CHEM430 Biochemistry
An introduction to the structure and function of biomolecules. Emphasis on proteins and carbohydrates. Protein structure, enzyme kinetics, and regulation are studied as are carbohydrates and their metabolism. Structure of lipids, steroids, and nucleic acids are taught; a brief time is given to their synthesis and reactions within the cell. Includes one laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 221 or consent of instructor. CHEM 222 recommended. Cross-listed with Biology. Credit 5 hours.
CHEM461 Seminar in Chemistry
The class will focus on the presentation of papers on current topics in chemistry. The student will develop the skills needed for researching and delivering a technical seminar. Prerequisite: Junior standing in the biochemistry major or consent of the instructor. Credit 1 hour.
CHEM464 Senior Research
Senior projects will include a literature review, development of methodologies, data collection, data analysis, and a written report. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Credit 3 hours.
General Education courses taught by chemistry faculty. (NSCI = Natural Science)
NSCI180 Science, Society, and the Environment
This course examines human impacts on the environment and the relationship between society, politics, and the environment. There is an emphasis on scientific inquiry and the course includes an outdoor field laboratory component. Potential topics include global climate change, water pollution, and energy-related issues. Credit 3 hours.
NSCI230 Drugs: Research & Reward
This course provides an introduction to how drugs affect our lives and bodies. Topics include a historical perspective on medicine and how drugs are developed, how specific diseases are treated, and the effects of illegal drugs on the individual and society. Credit 3 hours.
NSCI280 History of Science
An overview of the emergence of science from the early stirrings in pre-Christian cultures through its flowering in the twentieth century. Time-lines developed. Within this context, major theoretical and experimental contributions within science and technology are examined. Attention to the philosophy of science an integral element. Primary source material is used to look at specific examples in each of the following areas of science: biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and mathematics. Credit 3 hours.