Trait #4 - Word Choice
5 Rating:
- Words convey the intended message in a precise, natural way. The writing is full, yet concise.
- Words are specific and accurate; they seem just right.
- Imagery is strong.
- Powerful verbs give the writing energy.
- The language is not overdone, yet it contains striking word choices that help convey the message and give importance to what is being said.
- Expression is fresh and appealing; slang and jargon is used sparingly, if at all.
3 Rating:
- The language is functional, even if it lacks punch; it does get the message across.
- Words are almost always correct and adequate (though not always precise); it is easy to understand what the writer means.
- Familiar words communicate, but do not set the writer apart from the others. The writer seems reluctant to risk or stretch his/her communication skills.
- In places the writing seems overdone; the writer is trying too hard to impress.
- Paper may contain a few energetic verbs, but tends to drag and often uses passive voice.
- The writer may use redundancy, slips in a cliché now and then, but it doesn't become annoying.
1 Rating:
- The writer struggles with a limited vocabulary, searching for words to convey meaning or relies on worn out words that are trendy. More than one of the following problems is likely to be evident:
- Language is so vague and abstract (e.g., "it was fun," "it was interesting," "it was nice,") that only the most general message comes through.
- Persistent redundancy clouds the message and distracts the reader.
- Clichés, trendy words, or jargon serves as a crutch.
- Words are used incorrectly in more than one or two cases, sometimes making the message hard to decipher.
- The writer is not yet selecting words that would help the reader to a better understanding.
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