Disability Services

Southwestern College provides accommodations to students with disabilities. Reasonable and appropriate accommodations and services are provided on an individual basis for students with documented disabilities. To recieve services students must self-disclose the need for accommodations and provide the appropriate documentation to the Disability Services Coordinator.  If you suspect that you have a disability we can help, just contact our office.

Steps for Applying for Disability Services

  1. Request accommodation by contacting the Disability Services Coordinator.
  2. Provide documentation of a disability.  This information may be included in a high school IEP, 504 plan or documentation from a professional.
  3. Submit a Disability Disclosure Release form. This form authorizes the college to release information concerning the disability and the accommodations to professors.
  4. An accommodations letter will be drafted and signed by the Disability Services Coordinator and the student.
  5. Once signed, the accommodations letter will be delivered to the student's professors.
  6. IMPORTANT: The student must contact the Disability Services Coordinator each semester to produce a new accommodations letter for the new schedule of classes.

Disability Documentation

If you do not have proper documentation you may contact our office via email and we can discuss alternatives.

High School vs College

The services offered in high school may not be the same services that can be offered in college.  Please look at this (High School vs College) for more information.

Contact Us

If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Disability Services Coordinator.


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