Safety & Security

Safety & Security 24-Hour Phone

620-229-0012 or

9-620-229-0012 (from any campus phone)

Security Office Location

The Office of Safety and Security is located on the top floor of the Sutton Center in the Student Affairs Office.


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new and returning students, faculty, staff, and guests to Southwestern College and would like to assure you that the Safety and Security Department is sincerely committed to making your experience here at SC a safe and welcoming one in which you can pursue your academic and career endeavors.

The Safety and Security Department is here patrolling the campus 24 hours a day/7 days a week.  We are comprised of fulltime and part-time security Officers who are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our SC community. Courtesy, professionalism and respect are the foundations on which our department is built and are central to our conduct. 

I do want to enlist your help in keeping Southwestern College the safe and secure campus it has always been.  The responsibility for crime prevention is one that we all share.  Please, if you witness suspicious or criminal activity on or near campus, report it immediately to both Winfield Police Department at 911 and to Southwestern College Security Department at 620-229-0012.  Together, you and Southwestern College Security Department can make Southwestern College a safer place to be. 

We ask that you acquaint yourself with the rules and regulations of the campus, including being mindful of the parking guidelines, residence hall safety and security procedures, and reviewing emergency plans on our web page.

On behalf of the men and women of our agency, we are delighted you chose to view our website. I invite you to take a few minutes to explore the information that has been provided. We are dedicated and passionate in providing the highest level of public safety services and promoting a safe and secure campus for our Builder nation and guests.

We are proud of our department and we are honored to serve the students, faculty, staff, and visitors of Southwestern College.

Stay safe 

Safety and Security Concerns Form

Campus community concerns and incidents may be submitted online or through the Student Life Office.  All submissions will remain confidential unless you choose to provide your information.  Submissions are sent directly to the Lead Security Officer and Associate Vice President of Student Life.  For imediate attention please call safety and security or in emergency situations call 911.

Safety and Security Concerns Form

Campus Conduct Hotline

If you wish to make an anonymous report about harassment or discrimination, or about any misconduct at the college, you can contact the Campus Conduct Hotline.  The Campus Conduct Hotline is a confidential, independent, call-in service that provides a simple and anonymous way to help preserve the values and reputation of Southwestern College.  This service offers an alternate way to report activity or behavior you may observe or experience on campus that is harmful, unethical, questionable, or causes you or someone else personal injury.  You should call the Campus Conduct Hotline if you experience or observe any of the following:

  • Fraud or crime
  • Sexual harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Safety or security risks
  • Security and internet policy abuses
  • Code of Conduct violations
  • Workplace hostility
  • Unethical grading practices
  • Fraudulent financial or business practices
  • Any other questionable behavior

The Campus Conduct Hotline phone number is 866-943-5787.

Builder Alerts

Builder Alerts communicate real-time information about campus closures, extreme weather and safety threats – sent straight to your mobile device via our text messaging service. All students, faculty, and staff are automatically included in this system.

Learn more about BuilderAlerts

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