Level Three Incident

Level Three Incident includes violations of the college policies concerning:

  • Endangering, disorderly, and/or disruptive conduct
  • Stalking
  • Intimidation (physical or verbal)
  • Destruction, damage, or vandalism of property
  • Felony or Misdemeanor Thefts
  • False Fire Alarm or Tampering with Fire Equipment
  • Sexual Misconduct (including sexual harassment, nonconsensual sexual contact, nonconsensual sexual intercourse, and sexual exploitation)
  • Crimes of violence
  • Use, production, distribution, sale, or possession of alcohol or drugs in a manner prohibited under state or federal law. 

This list is representative and is not all-inclusive.

Interim Suspension

The vice president for student life and/or dean of students (or designee) may suspend a student from the college for an interim period pending investigation, disciplinary, or criminal proceedings, or for medical evaluation. During the interim suspension, the student will not be allowed on campus. The student will be denied access to campus housing, classes and all other college activities or privileges.


  1. Potential violation is reported.
  2. The vice president for student life and/or dean of students (or designee) may suspend a student from the college for an interim period pending disciplinary or criminal proceedings.
  3. Incident Review Committee reviews the report, investigates, and determines if there is reason to proceed.
  4. The accused student is sent a notification letter to meet with the vice president for student life and/or dean of students (or designee) to review hearing procedures.
  5. At this meeting, the student reads and signs the Admit/Deny form. This form stipulates if the accused student admits or denies the charges.

Hearing Options

    An Admit Misconduct Hearing is held when the accused student admits the charges and waives the rights to a formal hearing. The student will meet with a designated student life administrator to discuss the incident and develop a sanction.
    An Administrative Hearing is held when the accused student denies the charges of the violation. The purpose of the hearing is to determine if the misconduct occurred and if campus policy was violated. The hearing consists of the accused student and a designated hearing officer, either the vice president for student life and/or the dean of students (or designee). 


The dean of students (or designee) will contact the student to schedule a follow-up meeting within three school days from the date of the hearing. At this meeting, the student will hear the decision and the imposed sanction. The  dean of students (or designee) will then prepare a decision letter stating this sanction, which will be sent to the student.

If the student does not respond to the meeting request, the dean of students will send a decision letter with imposed sanction. The student is still responsible for the decision, sanction, and related deadlines.


A student may appeal the decision or sanction resulting from any level of violation - within three (3) school days from the date of the decision letter. The appeal is requested by completing an Appeal form in the Student Life Office.  A student must provide detailed justification for the appeal that goes beyond mere dissatisfaction. 

The appeal must fall in the following categories:

a) A procedural error was made that had a significant influence on the decision.

b) The code of conduct and/or policy were not interpreted correctly and substantially prevented the student’s opportunity for a fair hearing.

c) New information or relevant facts have surfaced were not available at the original hearing. The absence of this information has significant influence on the decision.

d) The sanction imposed was inappropriate for the violation.

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