Level One Incident

A Level One incidents include violations of the college policies concerning:

  • Visitation, Quiet Hours, Inappropriate Decorations, Pets

This list is representative and is not all-inclusive.


  1. Potential violation is reported
  2. Incident Review Committee determines if there is a reason to proceed.
  3. The accused student is sent a notification letter to schedule a meeting with a student life administrator.
  4. At this meeting, the student life administrator will discuss the incident with the student and develop a sanction.
  • If the student does not respond to the meeting request, an appropriate sanction and decision letter will be sent to the student. The student is still responsible for the decision, sanction, and related deadlines.
  • If the incident is the third or more offense, the case is treated as a Level Two offense due to the excessive number of violations.


A student may appeal the decision or sanction resulting from any level of violation - within three (3) school days from the date of the decision letter.

The appeal is requested by completing an Appeal form in the Student Life Office.

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