
Learn and know the emergency exits for your building(s). If you discover fire and/or smoke, pull the nearest fire alarm and promptly exit the building.

Immediately notify 911.

If you hear or see an explosion, exit the area as safely as possible.

Whenever the fire alarms and/or sprinkler systems are activated, please follow these directions:

1. All occupants of the building must promptly and calmly evacuate using the nearest exit and report to where directed.

  • Do not use elevators.
  • Only if time permits take personal items (coats, purses, keys, etc.) with you, as you may not be allowed to return to the building.
  • Be aware of others in your area (or those you are responsible for) and inform them to evacuate as well. Assist persons with disabilities.
  • Follow directions given by emergency building personnel.
  • In the event that you encounter smoke and/or fire while evacuating, exercise caution and logic to help ensure your safety and the safety of others. Remember, “Stay Low and Go!”
  • Once gathered at the predetermined emergency assembly area, take a head count to ensure that all individuals are safely out of the building. In the event of an actual fire, the Fire Department and/or Campus Security Department will request this information. Report any persons remaining in the building, perhaps with a mobility impairment.

2. Representatives from Southwestern Campus Security Department will respond to the affected building to determine the location of the smoke/fire/explosion.

  • The Fire Department is contacted for all fire alarms.
  • If no source of smoke/fire is located, the occupants will be given an “all clear” to return to the building by Southwestern Campus Security Department or the Winfield Fire Department.


  • Individuals needing evacuation assistance should establish procedures in advance with their instructor or supervisor. Human Resources and Security staff are available for consultation on these procedures.
  • Do not return to the building until The Campus Security Department or the Fire Department informs you that it is safe to do so.
  • Do not use the elevator to evacuate the building during a fire. Use the nearest stairwell to exit.
  • Always evacuate the building anytime the fire alarm and/or sprinkler system is activated.
  • Once an evacuation has started, do not stop the process until it is complete.

Assisting the Disabled

  • Be aware of disabled employees/students in your area.
  • Special plans should be made in advance – Emergency Evacuation Plans (by contacting Campus Security or HR).
  • The fire department recommends moving a disabled person to another connected building or inside an enclosed stairwell or safe area of the building until help arrives – Lateral Evacuation if possible.
  • Communication is key! Report all individuals with “specific” plans or alternate emergency locations to your Department Chair and Campus Security Department personnel and make their whereabouts known.
  • Do not attempt to move a disabled individual down a flight of stairs and risk injuring that person and yourself. Let the professionals take charge at the scene.


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