Emergency Procedures

Tornado Safety

Closets, stairwells, bathrooms, and storage areas are often the best areas to stay safe, but beware of glass. 

In general, safe areas are in basements or lower floor areas away from both glass windows and doors. 

In the event of a tornado warning proceed directly to the following areas of shelter or to an interior hallway on the lowest floor of a campus building. 

Beech Hall – Mossman Basement 
Broadhurst – 1st-floor West Hallway (with fire doors closed)
Christy – Christy Basement and Hallway leading to Little Theater 
Cole Hall – Basement 
Darbeth – Lowest-level North Pod
Deets Library – Basement 
Dole Center – Storm Shelter (next to Phon-a-thon room)
Honors – Mossman Basement 
Mossman Hall – Basement 
Reid – White PE Locker Room 
Shriwise – Mossman Basement 
Smith Student Center – Lowest-level Storage Room Area 
Stewart Field House – White PE Locker Room 
Sutton – 1st-floor Hallway (with fire doors closed)
TOMARI – White PE Locker Room 
Wallingford – 1st-floor Hallway (with fire doors closed) 
Warren Apts – White PE Lcker Room (if there is time) 
Welcome Center – Mossman Basement 
White PE – Locker Room 
Wroten – Lowest-level Darbeth North Pod

The College will transmit critical information to the campus as quickly as possible. 

This will be accomplished by utilizing the BuilderAlerts emergency notification system. 

Fire Safety 

Call 911 as soon as possible—then if the automatic alarm has not sounded, the person who observed the fire should try and proceed to the nearest pull station and activate the alarm system. 


  • Crawl under smoke 
  • Do not use elevators
  • Be careful not to touch hot doorknobs
  • Once safe, notify the fire department if you suspect someone is still trapped


Violence/Active Shooter 

Alert: ALERT is when you first become aware of a threat. The sooner you understand that you’re in danger, the sooner you can save yourself. A speedy response is critical. Seconds count. Call 911. 

Lockdown: If EVACUATION is not a safe option, barricade entry points into your room in an effort to create a semi-secure starting point. Prepare to evacuate as needed. 

Inform: Communicate the violent intruder’s location and direction in real-time. Use 911 and be as clear and concise as possible. 

Counter: Create Noise, Movement, Distance, and Distraction with the intent of reducing the shooter’s ability to shoot accurately. Counter is NOT fighting.

Evacuate: When safe to do so, remove yourself from the danger zone.

For all emergencies, please contact 911 for Winfield Police and Fire Department. 

Southwestern College’s Safety and Security can be contacted at (620) 229-0012. 

Armed Intruder/ALICE

Bomb Threats

Elevator Malfunction




Utility Emergencies


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