Summer Housing

Due to limited summer housing, rentals are not guaranteed. Housing assignments will be on a first come first serve basis. Any cancellation of reserved summer housing must be communicated in writing to the housing department before halls close for the spring semester. Failure to do so will result in loss of your housing deposit.

14 weeks of summer housing is in Honor apartments. These apartments house 2 students. Roommates may be assigned if residents have not selected a roommate.  A payment plan must be in place prior to moving in; prior balances must be paid before setting up a new payment plan. Payments can be made through Self-Service.

Summer 2022 Move-in will take place May 10th (unless we need to make other arrangements to get your apartment cleaned) and check-out of your current housing will take place May 13th. Please be aware of these dates as you make your summer plans. We must close all non-summer housing by the 13th.

Please note:

  • All summer housing students must be enrolled in the following semester to stay on campus.
  • Must have a $150 housing deposit on their account.
  • Must be eligible to live in an on-campus apartment (no sanctions prohibiting apartment living).

Summer Housing Application

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