
Textbook Vouchers

If a textbook is required for a course, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain textbooks. Southwestern College has partnered with Barnes & Noble College (formerly MBS Direct) for textbook purchases. If you are a Federal Pell Grant eligible student and need assistance with obtaining your textbooks/course materials please contact A Federal Pell Grant-eligible student will only be billed for those textbooks/course materials that are purchased from Barnes & Noble College.

Vouchers for textbooks will be made available to students who qualify. This voucher will allow you to charge books to your SC account and use financial aid to cover the cost. If the charges create a balance on your account, it will be your responsibility for payment. Contact for more information.


List of ISBN numbers:

  • 2024 Fall ISBN Booklist (PDF | Excel)

Want your textbooks mailed directly to campus?

The student mailing address is:

Student Name
Box Number
1820 Warren Ave
Winfield, KS  67156

Disclaimer: Don't worry if you have not been issued your Box Number. The Mail Center will hold and contact you for pickup.

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