Host Family Program

The Host Family Program plays an integral role in the transition to American life for international students.  The host family is an emotional support system for international students.  When the students arrive they are often overwhelmed with their new environments and although the international students tend to look after one another, host families provide an extra support network and a family away from home.

The role of the host family is to provide support in addition to the assistance Southwestern College provides.  The time and level of involvement with the student is a decision between the family and the student.  However, in the beginning, the involvement may be greater.  The international student may need a place to stay prior to the residence hall's opening, transportation for supplies or to open a bank account.  Many host families invite students to dinner, movies, family outings, and other activities!

Host families should not feel obligated in any way to complete tasks or financially support international students.  The host family has the freedom, not the responsibility to invite students to events, provide transportation, or provide meals.  Host families are not employed by Southwestern College and they have generously volunteered their time to the program.

If there are any questions, please contact the Vice President for Student Affairs at

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