
How is interviewing part of my career?

Over the course of your career, you will likely need to interview several times. This could be in trying to get a new position, in meeting a new customer, or maybe one day as the person looking to hire someone.

Whatever the case, interviewing is a skill set that is unique from just talking to people. Some of the keys to a successful interview include:

  • Knowing your perspective (and theirs)
  • Having a firm grasp on your goal at the end of the interview
  • Exuding confidence and likeability through your word choice
  • Sending positive and friendly messages through your body language
  • Being confident in negotiating salary

While there are many components to a successful interview, the Center for Career & Vocation is here to give you practice and feedback about areas you’re already strong in and areas you could improve on in a safe and positive environment.

Practice Interview Questions

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