
The Online Bookstore—What You Need to Know

Barnes & Noble CollegeThe Southwestern College bookstore is managed online through Barnes & Noble College (formerly MBS Direct.) You are able to order your books and materials online, have them delivered to your home or college address, then sell them back at the end of the semester if you desire.  This is an easy, reliable way for you to buy your books:

  • All required and recommended textbooks and materials are available for each class and are guaranteed to be correct.
  • Orders are shipped within 24 hours, and several shipping options (including next day) are available.
  • Books can be returned within 14 days of the start of class or when they are ordered, whichever date is later.
  • A “customer loyalty” bonus can add up to 25% to the buyback value of books ordered from Barnes & Noble College.

As soon as your advisor has approved your courses, you can order your books.  All courses are listed on the SC Bookstore site, and you only need to check the courses you are taking to know which books and materials should be added to your shopping cart. If you need to find a list of your course titles/numbers simply sign into your account through Self-Service and click "View Schedule."

In addition to ordering online, you can order by telephone or by mail. If you do not have a credit card, a check or money order is acceptable payment for orders that are mailed.

Students can charge their books to their account by using a voucher number provided by the college services office. This voucher number will be e-mailed to you after you have registered for classes and is entered at the beginning of the ordering process. If you have any questions, call 229-6251.

More questions? Check out the Help Section of the Southwestern College Online Bookstore answers a wide range of questions.


Want to proudly display your Builder Pride?  Looking for a cool SC t-shirt to wear to the games?  You're in luck!  We recently launched the site, which is the new official online store for Southwestern College.  On the site you are able to purchase Southwestern College apparel and other SC merchandise.

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