Especially for Alumni

From Alumni Programs

As incredible as it is for me to believe, it has been more than a year since I came back to Southwestern and began work as the director of alumni programs. At that time, I wrote my first letter for the Southwesterner and mentioned that "Dynamic changes are underway for alumni programs. Southwestern College has made a commitment to stay in the forefront of education for the new century and yet embrace our alumni links to the past. We want to stay connected." I am happy to report that Nan Hinson and I have worked very hard to fulfill our part of that pledge. Even so, without the help of hundreds of volunteers from class agents, to alumni hosts, to Homecoming volunteers, to e-mentors, career council members and others, the advances in alumni programs would not have occurred.

From June 2000 to June 2001, we had the opportunity to be part of 30 events. At those gatherings, we visited with a total of 1,422 Southwestern College alumni and friends. For some trips we journeyed as close as the Roy L. Smith Student Center dining hall, for others we traveled many miles, to Dodge City, Denver, Dallas, and more. Our key word for planning alumni events is FUN! and we hope all of you who attended had as much fun as we did.

I encourage you to check out the Southwestern alumni Web portal,, regularly. There you will find an "Alumni Update." After each alumni gathering, it will give you an opportunity to read about the location we visited, the fun we had, and who attended. It is a great way to find out what your alumni department is doing. Also, you will want to click on "Upcoming Events" to discover what is planned and all the places we will be for future gatherings.

The premier alumni gathering each year is, of course, Homecoming! Make plans now to "Come back. Have fun." As you will see from the Homecoming schedule on this page, we have something planned for everyone and the weekend becomes more special with every person who attends. If you have questions, call me at 1-800-846-1543 ext. 6334, or e-mail at All of us here are looking forward to seeing you in October at Homecoming!


Thanks to the support of Jack Focht '57, Genesis is back on campus. A new version of the sculpture was dedicated during the summer Bridges conference, and now is in its permanent location at the south entrance of Beech Science Center. The sculpture is the symbol of the conference and of the integrative studies program. Shown with Focht at left are his daughter, Claire Korst, and three grandchildren. At right are Reza Sarhangi, former SC faculty member and founder of the Bridges conference; Dan Daniel, architect of the integrative studies program; and President Dick Merriman.





Southwestern alumni cruised through the Inside Passage and Gulf of Alaska on the first ever travel opportunity hosted by SC alumni programs. Taking part in the seven-day cruise were (back row, left to right) alumni programs director Susan Lowe '95; Calvin Bigler, Linda and David '73 Smith and their daughters, Hilary and Allison; alumni events manager Nan Hinson '97; Donald Smith '82; (seated) Phyllis Bigler '54, and Mary Lois Smith '47.



"Come Back. Have Fun!"

The final events are scheduled for Homecoming 2001, when all Southwestern College alumni are urged to "Come Back. Have Fun." Special events for graduates of years ending in "1" or "06" are planned, and the academic focus will be the natural sciences.

Check this schedule, then register online at or using the form on the back of this issue.

Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001
7 p.m. Volleyball vs. Friends University, Stewart Field House
8 p.m. Homecoming comedy theatre production, Fools on the Hill, Messenger Recital Hall.

Friday, Oct. 19, 2001
Noon Jinx Golf Scramble at Quail Ridge
4:30 p.m. Ribbon Cutting for Natural Science Hall of Fame display in Beech Science Center
6-7:30 p.m. Homecoming Dinner Celebration
8 p.m. Natural Science Hall Of Fame Induction of 2001 Honorees
10 p.m. Moonlight Madness (Basketball Kick-off)

Saturday, Oct. 20, 2001
8 -10 a.m. Alumni Breakfast
9 a.m. BuilderDash
10 a.m. Homecoming Parade
11:15-12:15 p.m. Activity Stations
    1) Rock Painting
    2) Cookie Toss
    3) Jazz Band
    4) Keynotes Performance
    5) "Fun for Kids" with Education Builders (kids ages 3-7 yrs.)
    6) "A Day at the Beech" with demonstrations and science projects (ages 8-80 years)
11:30-1 p.m. Homecoming Picnic
1-10 p.m. Babysitting Services
1:30 p.m. Homecoming Football Game
5:30 p.m. Class reunion dinners:
1951-Welcome Center.
1956-Darbeth Recital Hall.
1961-Wroten Hall
1966-Pounds Lounge
1971 and 1976-Gallaway's
1981 and 1986-Neives Mexican Restaurant
1991 and 1996-Gambino's
8 p.m. Homecoming comedy theatre production, Fools on the Hill, Messenger Recital Hall.

Sunday, Oct. 21, 2001
9:30 a.m. Alumni Brunch
10:50 a.m. Southwestern College Worship Service at Grace United Methodist Church with SC alumni     guest pastor, Steve Matthew '71.
1:30 p.m. Choir and Band Concert
3 p.m. Homecoming Comedy Theatre Production


Are These Events On Your Calendar?

Saturday, Sept. 15, 5 p.m.
Cowley/ Sumner KCAC Football Kick-off alumni and friends event at Roy L. Smith Student Center dining hall, SC main campus. Hosts Marty Mutti '89 and C.J. Layton.

Thursday, Sept. 20, 6:30-8 p.m.
Topeka area alumni and friends event at the Kansas State Museum of History. Hosts Ron Scheffler '67 and Jack Gumb '70. Catered dinner in the museum atrium, followed by a special tour of the museum. Saturday, Sept. 29, 4 p.m. SC Athletic Hall of Fame dinner, Roy L. Smith Student Center dining hall, SC main campus.

Saturday, Oct. 6, 7p.m.
Alumni Debate Banquet. This event will top off a two-day SC debate and forensics tournament in which alumni and friends will participate as judges.

Friday, Oct. 19, 4:30 p.m.
Natural Science Hall of Fame ribbon cutting at Beech Science Center (Inauguration ceremonies in evening, see Homecoming schedule for details.)

Oct. 19-21
Homecoming Weekend!

Friday, Oct. 26, 6-9 p.m.
Broadview Hotel (downtown Wichita), professional studies/alumni dinner seminar. Presenters and their topics include: Tracy Cassidy '80 and Alleigh Schmidt-Owen '99, "Dress for Success" fashion show; Julie Rorabaugh '97, "Conquering Computers, College, and Other Fears That Slow You Down"; Dave Shank '00, "Winning... And Then Some!"; and Steven W. Zackula '99, "Networking."

Saturday, Nov. 3, 6 p.m.
Washington D.C. area alumni and friends dinner event at the historic Willard Inter-Continental Hotel, known as the "residence of Presidents." Hosts Ted Hresko '73, Dan Lara '91, and Jerrod Wheeler '94.

Saturday, Nov. 10, 6:30 p.m.
Oklahoma City area alumni and friends event. Host George Jason Johnston '69. Dinner theatre production of Agatha Christie's 10 Little Indians at the Cindy Poteet Little Theatre, St. Luke's UMC, downtown Oklahoma City.

Monday, Dec. 17, 3 p.m.
New York City area alumni and friends event. Hosts George Lowe '74, Mike McCarthy '76, and Keith Lowe '82. Alumni gathering and pre-game banquet with the Southwestern College men's basketball team and new coach Doug Hall. Builder game times: Dec. 17, 7 p.m. at Dominican College, Orangeburg, N.Y.; Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m. at Caldwell College, Caldwell, N.J.

Saturday, Jan. 12
Ft. Worth/Dallas area alumni and friends event at the Ft. Worth Symphony Orchestra with Doc Severenson. Host Larry Eason '55.

Saturday, Jan. 26
Basketball alumni reunion honoring the 1977 KCAC championship team (25th anniversary). 5 p.m. women's game, 7 p.m. men's game vs. St. Mary College. Reception in Stewart Field House lobby immediately following game.