
Founded in 1885, Southwestern College has been committed to educating graduates for service to the world without borders. 

Vision, Mission and Identity 

Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas, is a learning community dedicated to: 

  • Intellectual growth and career preparation
  • Individual development and Christian values
  • Lifetime learning and responsible citizenship
  • Leadership through service in a world without boundaries

The Mission of Southwestern College 

Christy lit purple at nightSouthwestern College provides a values-based learning experience that emphasizes intellectual, personal, and spiritual growth. Founded in 1885 by Kansas Methodists and now related to the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church, the college offers bachelor’s and graduate degrees on-ground and online. 

Southwestern College: 

  • Prepares students for careers and for graduate studies with courses that foster critical thinking and effective communication and are characterized by meaningful professor-student interaction.
  • Employs emerging technologies that promote learning
  • Strives to live by and teach a sustainable way of life
  • Provides preparation for a wide range of church-related vocations and involvement
  • Offers programs that embrace prior learning and facilitate career progression for working adults, members of the armed services, and persons in transition
  • Affords a residential learning experience abundant with co-curricular activities that build social awareness and interpersonal skills and cultivate an ethos of service and leadership

The strategic planning committee reviewed the Vision, Mission and Identity statements for the College and propose only a slight change to mission in acknowledgment of language regarding the use of transition as SC Global addresses a transition in career. As the SC 2028: Building Our Future strategic plan is implemented the College community will review and consider modifications to the Vision, Mission, and Identity statements as the College changes and transforms to meet the challenges in higher education and to meet the needs of SC students on Main Campus and Adult Learners through SC Global. 

Build a life

Build a life

Students are what make Student Life happen!

From carnivals to concerts, from Sutton Center to Campus Life, the Office of Student Affairs is available for you, the student.

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