Advisory Board

The Southwestern College Academic Press advisory board includes accomplished authors, attorneys, journalists, and historians.

Sherry Willis

Sherry Galloway Willis

Sherry Galloway Willis, a retired elementary, preschool, and music teacher who lives in Wellington, She is the author of three children's books

Jeffrey Lowe

Jeffrey N. Lowe

Jeffrey N. Lowe, an attorney with and a member of Stinson, Lasswell & Wilson, L.C. in Wichita. He received his law degree from Washburn University School of Law and graduated summa cum laude with a B.B.A. from Southwestern College

Dalene McDonald

Dalene McDonald

Dalene McDonald, library director at Southwestern College. Prior to working at SC, she served as director of the Arkansas City Public Library and was head of systems and technical services at Emporia State University libraries and archives. She also taught as part of the national faculty for the School of Library and Information Management at Emporia State University

Madeline Norland

Madeline Norland

Madeline Norland, an SC alum, whose diverse career path in art and education has included serving as assistant curator of education at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas; designing, producing, and directing the Interactive Gallery at the Wichita Art Museum, a portion of the Education Department; and classroom teaching in Chase County and in inner-city Fort Worth

Ryan Rising

Ryan Rising

Ryan Rising, an SC alumnus who graduated summa cum laude, who now practices business law with Biggs Paul, LLC in Wichita.  He earned his law degree from the University of Kansas School of Law and his master’s from St. John’s College. His fiction has appeared in various literary magazines

David Seaton

David Seaton

David Seaton, a retired publisher of the Winfield Daily Courier. He has worked as a reporter, columnist, and editorial writer. Seaton is a graduate of Harvard College and earned a master's degree in international relations at Columbia University

Jerry Wallace

Jerry L. Wallace

Jerry L. Wallace, a historian and writer based in Oxford. Wallace graduated from Missouri State University with a bachelor’s degree and earned a master’s degree from the University of Missouri. He has served as an archivist for both the National Archives and records administration and Southwestern College

Pamela Thompson

Pamela Thompson

Pamela Thompson, managing editor, is a journalist, author, and editor. She holds an English literature degree from Vassar College and a master’s in journalism from the University of Kansas. She recently co-authored a history book with Wallace on Southwestern College, published in November 2015 by Arcadia Publishing. Currently, she teaches English as a second language at Southwestern College.


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36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.