SC Academic Press

About the Press

Established in 2005, the mission of Southwestern College Academic Press is to support the teaching and research activities of the College by fostering scholarly inquiry through the selection, production, and diffusion of academic works. 

The range of subjects in which the Press is interested reflects the disciplines associated with traditional liberal arts courses of study.  This is supplemented by other areas of current curricular or programmatic interest at Southwestern College.

Whether submitted by members of the Southwestern College faculty or scholars from the wider community, manuscripts are peer reviewed, evaluated by the Managing Editor, and submitted to the Advisory Board for action prior to the issuance of a contract.  A rigorous editorial process follows and ensures a high quality publication.

At the current time, the Press is housed in the Southwestern College Library so that information services may draw on common resources.


The three book imprints approved by the board include:

  • Lux Esto Scholarly Series: Lectures, research, conference papers, faculty projects
  • Moundbuilder Series: School history, alumnae voices, and SC related matters
  • Builder Impressions Series: Community authors, poetry, local artists, photography of region
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36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.