In Memory of Kara McLain


Kara McLain“Kara was a gift to us here at Southwestern College. Her spirit and passion for life was rivaled only by her compassion and care for others. Hers was a life of creativity and joy, and we were blessed by her presence with us. She had an amazing way of making anyone feel welcome, and she was never too busy to stop and talk with you.”  

- Rev. Ben Hanne, campus minister


Contacts for support/counseling:

Rev. Ben Hanne, Campus Minister |
Dan Falk, Dean of Students |
Sarah Hallinan, Assistant Dean of Students; Director of Residence Life|
Mary Ann Smith, Campus Wellness Coordinator |
Rev. Wendy Mohler-Seib, Director of Faith Formation for Youth and Young |
Molly Just, Director of Discipleship |
Rev. Lora Andrews, Grace United Methodist Church |
Angela Goodson, Student Therapist |
Rev. Julie Lashier, Certified Chaplain |
Four County Mental Health | (620) 221-9664


Schedule of Memorials

Wednesday, October 19
11 a.m. Chapel, quiet and reflective time led by Rev. Ben Hanne
Following Chapel: support services will be available at the Dining Hall
12-1 p.m. Four County Mental Health grief counselor available in Darbeth Hall
3:10 p.m. Performing arts students and faculty meet in Helen Graham Little Theatre
3-4 p.m. Four County Mental Health grief counselor available in Darbeth Hall
10:00 p.m. Candlelight vigil at the Mound
Friday, October 21
8:00 a.m. Students wishing to travel to Ransom, Kan. load Buses in front of Wallingford Hall. Please sign-up in the Smith Student Center beginning Wednesday, so Student Life will know how many will be traveling.
8:30 a.m. Student bus departs for Ransom, Kan.
2:00 p.m. Funeral service at Western Plains High School, Ransom, Kan.
7:00 p.m. Anticipated return to campus of chartered bus

Contacts for support/counseling:

Rev. Ben Hanne, Campus Minister |
Dan Falk, Dean of Students |
Sarah Hallinan, Assistant Dean of Students; Director of Residence Life|
Mary Ann Smith, Campus Wellness Coordinator |
Rev. Wendy Mohler-Seib, Director of Faith Formation for Youth and Young |
Molly Just, Director of Discipleship |
Rev. Lora Andrews, Grace United Methodist Church |
Angela Goodson, Student Therapist |
Rev. Julie Lashier, Certified Chaplain |
Four County Mental Health | (620) 221-9664



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