
Ordering Options

Paph Hsinying Armanda


Paphiopedilum Hsinying Armanda 'Max' AM 80 Pts 

(Magic Lantern 'Rotunda' x armeniacum 'Moon Bright')

Touch of yellow on the petals.

Price: $100.00 (SOLD OUT)

Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel

Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel 'Max' AM 80 Pts

(rothchildianum x stonei)

When awarded had 4 flowers, 1 bud on 68 cm inflorescence.

Price:  $100.00 (SOLD OUT)

saint swithin

Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin 'Max'

(philippinensis x rothschildianum)

2-3 growth division.  This is the better of the 2 clones we sell.

Price: $50.00 (SOLD OUT)

Paph Saint Swithin

Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin 'Walnut Valley'

(philippinensis x rothschildianum)

2-3 growth division.

Price: $40.00 (SOLD OUT)

Shin yi

Paphiopedilum Shin-yi's Pride 'M & B' HCC 75 pts

(Michael Koopowitz x rothschildianum)

Large Blooming Size Division

Price:  $100.00 (SOLD OUT)

SHin Yi Max

Paphiopedilum Shin-yi's Pride 'Max and Bryon' AM 81 pts

(Michael Koopowitz x rothschildianum)

Large Blooming Size Division

Price:  $125.00 (SOLD OUT)


Paphiopedilum Southport 'Max Thompson' FCC 90 Pts

(Alma Gavaert x rothschildianum)

Easy to grow and bloom.  Two growth divisions.

Price: $150.00 (SOLD OUT)


Paphiopedilum Temptation 'Walnut Valley' HCC 77 pts

(kolopakingii x philippinense var. laevigatum)

Large Divisions

Price: $50.00 (SOLD OUT)

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