Cattleya Species and Hybrids


Ordering Options

Yellow Bug

Brassocattleya Seagulls Yellowbug 'Bryon'

(C briegeri 'Star of Brazil' HCC 78 Pts x Brassavola nodosa 'Susan Fuchs' FCC 91 Pts)

Easy to grow and flower.  Grow warm and bright light.  Plant will stay under 7" tall.

Will bloom 2-3 times per year when mature.

Price: $30.00 (Blooming Size)

Epicattleya Veitchii

Epicattleya Veitchii 'Bryon' 

(Epidendrum radicans x Cattleya coccinea)

A miniature reed stem about 12" tall.  Always in flower. Grow shaded and intermediate temperature conditions.

Price: $30.00

Epidendrum maxthompsonianum


Epidendrum maxthompsonianum 'Bryon' CBR


New Miniature species.  Very rare in the USA. Grow shaded and intermediate temperature conditions.

Price:  $75.00



Epidendrum peperomia (porpax) 'Bryon' HCC 77 Pts


Miniature species.  Easy to grow.  Awarded on 10/15/2011.  Grow shaded and warm.

Price:  $20.00


Leptoguarianthe Rumrill Sunrise

(Leptotes bicolor 'Bryon's Best' HCC 76 pts x Guarianthe aurantiaca 'Bryon')

A remake of this cross. Hoping for a more intense color,

A few are opening yellow and fading to white.

Price: $30.00


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Myrmecophila cf brysiana


Myrmecophila cf. brysiana 'Winfield' AM 83 pts

Plant gets to about 1 1/2 feet tall, and flower spikes up to 7 feet tall.  Positive ID by Selby's OIC#14596.  Plants to bloom in about 1-2 yrs.  Likes high light and heat.

Price:  $40.00

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