
SC Trustees Urge Public Support for College

Several local members of the SC Board of Trustees submitted a letter to the Public Forum section of the Courier Traveler. It was published on Thursday, June 20, 2024. Find the complete letter below:

Dear Editor,

As a group, we represent the most local trustees serving as volunteers on the Southwestern College Board of Trustees. As the college has completed another academic year and is preparing for the return of students and the arrival of a new class of Moundbuilders in August, we simply write to express our support for Southwestern and to highlight its indispensable role in our community – a fixture since 1885.

While larger universities often dominate discussions about higher education, it is crucial to recognize the unique and profound contributions of institutions like Southwestern College, particularly in the context of Winfield and Cowley County. The college, under the leadership of President Liz Frombgen, has been urgently confronting challenges and making bold, strategic, and often difficult decisions to put the college on a path to sustainable growth. This work has included a data-driven approach to inform work around retention, program realignment, and operational discipline. Certainly, some decisions have stirred attention and anxiety, but continuing the status quo would have had far greater consequences for the college and our community. With all of this in mind, we write to remind you of the importance of Southwestern College.

Southwestern College provides a personalized and holistic education that fosters critical thinking, creativity, service, and intellectual curiosity. Students benefit from faculty and staff who support and challenge them. This educational environment prepares students for professional success but also cultivates responsible, thoughtful citizens – who we hope will choose Winfield again as they begin their careers – becoming teachers, doctors, pastors, nurses, lawyers, and business leaders who will serve our community into the future. These young people are our future neighbors, they are our best succession plan. In fact, three of Winfield’s doctors are Southwestern graduates.  

Moreover, Southwestern College serves as a cultural and intellectual hub for our community. The college frequently hosts public lectures, performances, athletic competitions, camps, and conferences that enrich the cultural fabric of our town. These events offer residents opportunities for lifelong learning and cultural engagement.

The economic impact of Southwestern College cannot be overstated. The college is a significant local employer, providing jobs for faculty and staff – it also maintains contracts for maintenance and food service personnel. Additionally, students, faculty, and visitors contribute to the local economy through housing, dining, and shopping. The presence of the college attracts businesses and fosters an environment of growth and vitality. And, here we would add that there is a renewed commitment on the part of the college to be a more significant participant and partner in the strength of our region. We have witnessed first-hand the commitment President Liz has to create economic synergy and growth in Cowley County through program development and strategic partnerships.

Furthermore, the college's community service initiatives and partnerships with local organizations enhance the quality of life in our town. Students and faculty actively engage in volunteer work and educational outreach, addressing local needs and contributing to the common good. These efforts not only benefit those directly involved but also strengthen the bonds between the college and the community.

Southwestern College exemplifies the ideals of higher learning, civic engagement, and community spirit. Its continued success is vital not just for its students but for the well-being and prosperity of our entire community.

We urge our friends and neighbors to support Southwestern College in recognition of its enduring importance as a cornerstone of our community. Please consider making a gift in support of the Builder Fund which directly benefits the experience of students and helps strengthen the college in countless ways. There is an active matching gift challenge open until June 30… Visit to learn more or call 620-229-6397.

Equally important though, as students return, please be a Southwestern supporter. Attend games and performances, cheer these young people on, welcome them to our community, and show them kindness. Put a Builder Pride sign in your yard and wear SC apparel – be a fan of the Moundbuilders. Their success is OUR success. Your support of Southwestern College truly does make all the difference – the students, faculty, and staff all feel your care.

As we look forward to the 140th academic year at Southwestern College we invite you to be a part of the effort to preserve and grow an institution that means so much to our community. Let’s not take SC for granted.

Signed by the Trustees of Southwestern College from Winfield –

Susan Andrews
John Baker
Laura Buterbaugh Bradbury
Dr. Bryan Dennett
Cory Helmer
Dr. Daniel Miller

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