
SC Welcome Back Chapel August 13

The Southwestern College campus ministry team will present their “Welcome Back Chapel,” on Sunday, Aug. 13, from 7-8 p.m., in the grove at the college located near the Southwestern College admissions building.  There is no charge and the community is invited to attend. 

The chapel will provide music, words of encouragement from campus minister Rev. Rodney Worsham, and testimonials from Southwestern College students and staff.

The theme of chapel this year is “Something New.” Chapel service is held every Wednesday at 11 a.m., in the grove.

“‘Something New’ comes from Isaiah 43,” Worsham says.  “As we look forward, we remember God is doing something new and invites our trust and participation.  We invite the local community and alumni to join us as we pray for the beginning of the new school year.”

In case of inclement weather, the service will be in the Richardson Performing Arts Center.

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