
Keeping the Spirit Event Memorable for SC Students

Southwestern College students, faculty, and staff continued a more than 100-year tradition on Friday with the annual painting of the SC rocks on the hill east of Jantz Stadium.

The event, “Keeping the Spirit,” was an opportunity for first-year Moundbuilders, including new president Liz Frombgen, to experience one of Southwestern’s many rich traditions.

“The Builder Family is so fortunate to share in many unique traditions that help define Southwestern,” Frombgen says.  “Shared experiences like painting the SC rocks and the Moundbuilding Ceremony create opportunities for meaningful connection to one another, our physical campus, and our rich history. These moments make us proud to be Builders.” 

The tradition began in 1918 when first-year men were charged with painting the “S” north of town while female students prepared a picnic.  Southwestern students became frustrated as students from a rival school would come to Winfield and change the letter from an “S” to an “F.” So the college added the letter C and in 1965 The “SC” was moved into town, to its current site.  The tradition had faded away, but was brought back to life in 2016 and has remained a staple of the Builderfest activities. 

Lily Blankenship, freshman from Spiro, Okla., and Kirsten Kizer, freshman from Kellyville, Okla., were looking forward to the event.

“I love this, I am a big tradition person,” Kizer says. “I think it is really cool that other students see it like I do.  Feels like I am already home.”

“I am excited, I think it is a fun event, and we get to paint,” Blankenship says.

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