
SC Successfully Completes Fall Semester and is Ready for the Spring

Southwestern College has finished its first semester and by doing so, celebrates a milestone; maintaining in-person learning in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Builders are known for always finding a way forward,” said Southwestern President, Brad Andrews. “This semester our students, faculty, and staff proved that to be true. We made modifications to the way we learn, live, and connect on campus – and the result was a different, but good semester. I’m proud of what we accomplished together and I’m looking forward to the spring.”

Southwestern became the first college in Kansas to open for the fall semester by moving students to campus in July to complete a pre-semester quarantine along with faculty and staff.  All students, faculty, and staff were tested for the virus upon their return to the campus community and testing continued throughout the semester.  By doing so, Southwestern was able to limit and contain the spread of COVID-19.  By the end of the fall semester, the college had completed over 6,000 antigen tests on campus. A response team at the college designed and successfully implemented a Fall 2020 plan while welcoming a record-breaking freshman class to campus.

“For our students attending classes in-person and developing relationships with an excellent and caring faculty makes all the difference to their growth and development as students and citizens,” said Andrews. “Our faculty and staff adapted to provide excellent teaching and supportive relationships through these disruptive times and our students are the beneficiaries of their hard work and persistence.”

Safety measures were implemented for all musical and theatre performances, as well as athletic games and matches.  Southwestern also modified student life activities, including weekly chapel gatherings and Homecoming festivities. The college’s commitment to community service was also fulfilled throughout the semester. One example of such service was the completion of a campus-wide service project where students, faculty, and staff helped with the Isle of Lights setup.

Southwestern will begin returning students for the spring semester in early January. The campus community will again complete a pre-semester quarantine and will be tested for COVID-19 upon their return to campus. Classes are set to begin on Tuesday, Jan. 19, the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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36 main campus and 16 professional studies undergraduate majors, 27 minors, teacher certification in 5 areas, and 6 graduate programs.