
Step Up for Southwestern Day of Giving Big Success

The office for institutional advancement at Southwestern College recently held a fundraising day of giving called, Step Up for Southwestern. Gifts contributed to the campaign went directly to the Builder Fund, which provides financial support for all Southwestern students.

According to Pat Wagner, vice president for institutional advancement at Southwestern College, 227 donors made gifts.  Those contributions were matched by a generous gift, dollar for dollar, bringing the total to more than $150,000.  Wagner adds that Builders from the last seven decades contributed.  Gifts came from 23 states and two countries.

“During this time of uncertainty, Builders asked fellow Builders to step up, and they did,” Wagner says.  “We could not be more pleased with the outcome of Step Up for Southwestern.  Alumni and friends came together to support our college, showing that the Builder spirit is alive and strong as ever.”

Beyond the financial contributions alumni, faculty, and staff were encouraged to participate on the day by wearing Southwestern apparel, sharing their love of the college with others through social media, and re-connecting with fellow Builders.

Wagner shared that he heard several stories of alumni calling each other to catch up and reminisce. Additionally, many alumni submitted videos to be shared on social media platforms expressing their love and support for Southwestern.

“This outpouring of support for Southwestern demonstrates for our current and future students what it truly means to be part of the Builder family,” Wagner said.  “What a wonderful group of people. Our college is stronger for their ongoing support and care.”

Gifts are still being accepted.  For more information or to make a donation, contact Wagner at (620) 222-2366 or email Learn more about the Step Up for Southwestern Day of Giving campaign at or on the Alumni and Friends of Southwestern College Facebook page.

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