
Enrollment for 2020-21 Continues at Southwestern

Enrollment for the 2020-21 school year at Southwestern College is ongoing for new and current students. 
Adam Jenkins, vice president for enrollment management at Southwestern, shared that even with face-to-face restrictions due to Covid-19, the college is adapting and continuing with the enrollment process.

“The office of admission is open and students and parents are welcome to connect with the admission office in any way that is most convenient for them,” Jenkins says.  “We offer personal zoom and FaceTime sessions to discuss the admission process, financial aid, and to answer any questions families may have.  We are available by phone, email, and text, and will connect students to faculty members, program directors, and coaches.”

Coaches and program directors across campus have employed creative tactics to connect with prospective students and their families. Coaches are utilizing teleconferencing tools to connect and are reviewing film and statistics provided by athletes. Performing arts faculty are conducting video auditions, watching recorded performance footage, and are interviewing students over the phone and on teleconference platforms. Instead of meeting with faculty in their offices on campus, faculty are scheduling teleconference meetings with students who are interested in their academic programs.

“As Builders are known to do, when challenges are presented, we buckle down and find a way forward,” said Jenkins. “We already have a lot of excellent young people who have been admitted and have paid their deposit to secure their place here at Southwestern. They are excited to join our community here on campus and in Winfield next year and all of us here at the college are so excited for their arrival. We are looking forward to the fall.”

Prospective and current students may reach out to a personal admissions representative directly or can call (620) 262-1546 to set up an individual plan.  For more information, email or visit 

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