
Freshman Work Day Big Success

Southwestern College freshmen concluded their orientation to the college and Winfield by participating in the 27th annual Freshman Work Day on Sunday, Aug. 11.

Nearly 200 freshmen, Leadership Southwestern students, and other student leaders joined SC staff, faculty, and FWDayadministrators working around Winfield to help homeowners and non-profits in service work.

“We estimated that the 27th Freshman Work Day contributed around $20,000 to the Winfield community based on the independent sectors estimate that one volunteer hour is worth $25.43,” says Brae Wood, director of Leadership Southwestern.

Wood believes that this annual event benefits both the community and everyone who assists in Freshman Work Day.

“As the Leadership director, I love watching my leadership students develop their leadership capacities through the lens of Freshman Work Day,” Wood says.  “This day is empowering to my students who work so very hard to make it happen; a huge and powerful connection point for all students at Southwestern to our school mission; a great way to set the Builder spirit; and importantly a gift to our particular community that can form students in such deep ways by long-standing traditions like Freshman Work Day.”

Curtis Rylant, one of the student directors for the event, enjoyed seeing fellow Moundbuilders come together for the event.

“I had a lot of fun seeing everything come together,” Rylant says.  “There is a lot that goes into Freshman Work Day, but the big picture is awesome to see what we accomplished. What I enjoyed the most is knowing the freshmen had a good time meeting one another while giving back to the community that will be their home for the next four years.”

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