
Brenda Hicks Elected National Chair of NASFAA

Brenda Hicks, director of financial aid at Southwestern College, has been elected national chair for the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) for 2020-21.

NBrenda HicksASFAA provides professional development and services for financial aid administrators, advocates for public policies that increase student access and success, serves as a forum on student financial aid issues, and is committed to diversity throughout all activities.

“I am deeply honored to be chosen by my peers to represent them in this way,” Hicks says.   “The financial aid profession is heading into a critical period for both the potential reauthorization of Title IV federal aid as well as new initiatives in professional certification.  I’m looking forward to being part of the national conversation with the ultimate hope and goal of improving student access to college.”

Hicks is a Humboldt native.  She earned her bachelor of arts degree from Kansas State University and her master of arts degree from Wichita State University.  She began working at Southwestern College in 1991 in the admission department.  Since 2002 Hicks has been working in financial aid.  She and her husband, Ross, live in Winfield and have two sons, Sam (20) and Isaac (17).

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