
SC Staff and Students Pack Boxes for Children in Need

The Summit Youth Academy and Southwestern College Campus Ministry has teamed up with Forest Park United Methodist Church in Panama City, Fla., to participate with Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.

Wendy Mohler-Seib, director of faith formation for youth and young adults for the Institute for Discipleship, Ben Hanne, campus minister, and Southwestern College students purchased and packed items to be delivered to children around the world that are in need.  The items included school supplies, personal hygiene products, washcloths, and a toy. According to Mohler-Seib, 57 boxes were packed.

Christmas Boxes for Children

Mohler-Seib served at Forest Park United Methodist Church following her graduation from Southwestern College. She says that every single friend of hers in the Panama City area was affected by Hurricane Michael.

“One of my dear friends who has headed up this ministry for 21 years at Forest Park said that they just couldn’t do it this year due to the volume of destruction in Panama City.  I told her that the Summit would team up with Campus Ministry here and put boxes together and do it in her stead this year.”

Forest Park United Methodist Church is paying for the shipping of the boxes. 

“The focus of Campus Ministry this past month has been about Thanksgiving and what it means to give thanks so hopefully as we consider other people who are in a place of need, it reminds us of reasons that we all have to be grateful.  This is what Builders do, we give back.”

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