
Major Gifts Establish New Career Center at Southwestern College

Southwestern College has announced the receipt of two major gifts in support of establishing a Career Center on campus.

A lead gift from alumnus of the college and former board chair David Smith, and his wife, Linda, as well as a significant contribution from current board chair Scott Hecht, and his wife, Shelley, both alumni, will allow work on the Career Center to begin.

“I’ve served on the board for many years and it is from that perspective I share there is no better time to invest in Southwestern than right now,” said David Smith.

Identified as a priority during the college’s strategic planning process, both student and faculty groups have offered direction in the initial planning phase of the Career Center.

“Each academic division of the college has faculty advisors who assist students as they consider their vocational calling and career plan – and that work will continue,” said Brad Andrews, Southwestern College president.

The Career Center will be a resource for students in many ways, including résumé review and interview preparation. Andrews shared that in this way, the Career Center will complement the important connection faculty advisors have with students.

“Our college is on the move, for the third year in a row we’ve welcomed a record incoming class and it is a joy to make a gift knowing that it will directly support and benefit the lives of these young Builders,” said Smith. “As SC gave me a foundation to build a meaningful career, I know it will for them too.”

The first step in the launch of the Career Center will be to hire a full-time director who will assist in planning the physical space and program offerings.

“We will be looking for someone who has a background in career counseling and who will be dedicated to helping our students get a strong start on their career path,” said Andrews. “As our enrollment has grown, we have committed to increasing our investment in resources for students; we are grateful to the Smiths and Hechts for their support of that vision.”

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