
Melinda Current Receives Kopke Award for Distinguished Teaching at Southwestern College

Melinda Current, professor of health and wellness promotion at Southwestern College, was named recipient of the Charles H. and Verda R. Kopke Award for Distinguished Teaching during Commencement exercises Sunday, May 13. The Kopkes established the award in order to honor outstanding faculty members.  

Melinda Current Kopke Award“It is an honor to be recognized for something that I love to do,” Current says.   “Those who have won this award before me are people I admire and respect for their teaching abilities. I’m proud to be included among them.” 

Current grew up in Arkansas City and graduated from Arkansas City High School.  She graduated from Wesley School of Nursing which was a hospital-based registered nursing program. She then attended Southwestern College as a non-traditional student to obtain her bachelor of science in nursing degree.  She has a master of nursing degree from Wichita State University and a doctorate in health science from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla

Current says that the transition from nursing to education was one of necessity as her disabled son became too old for day care.  

“Nurses don’t always have the best working hours,” Current says.   “When the opportunity to transition to nursing education became an option, the challenge interested me but also the traditional school schedule would help me be more available for my son.  It didn’t take me long to figure out that I loved working with students and how exciting it is to be a part of their learning process.”  

Current initially taught for Wichita Area Technical College in the practical nursing program.  The opportunity to teach in Southwestern’s nursing program came about 14 years ago.   Current transitioned to teaching support courses for the athletic training education program five years ago.    


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